Prof. Dr. Mikhail Zheludkevich

Institut für Werkstoffforschung, Magnesium Innovation Centre MagICMax-Planck-Str. 1
21502 GeesthachtTel. +49 4152 87-1988E-Mail KontaktWebsite
Institut für MaterialwissenschaftTel. +49 4152 87-1988E-Mail KontaktWebsite
- Korrosionsschutz
- Beschichtungstechnologie
- Elektrochemie
- Electrochemical corrosion testing, including impedance spectroscopy (EIS): Computer controlled potentiostats (GIL), "Electrochemical Pen" for measuring of localised corrosion potentials
- Localised electrochemistry: Scanning Vibrating Electrode Technique, Scanning Ion-selective Electrode Technique
- Konfokale Raman Mikroskopie: Bruker
- Beschichtung: Plasma elektrolytische Oxidation (PEO), spin/dip coaters für Polymerbeschichtungen
- Stress corrosion cracking ("Slow Strain Rate Test"): Tensile test machines: load capacities: 20 to 100 kN, loading rates: 0.1 µm/h to 70 mm/h, deadweight load frames (20 kN)
- Fatigue testing: Fatigue test machines: load capacities: 10 to 100 kN, loading frequencies: 0.0005 to 200 Hz
- Wear testing: Pin-on-disk wear tester (rotating and oscillating) (load 1 to 60N)
- Accelerated corrosion testing: Salt spray and immersion test cabinets, Natural corrosion test site
- Oberflächenanalytik: XPS (KRATOS AXIS Ultra DLD),mit UV-photoemission (UPS), Auger spectroscopy (SEM/SAM), secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS); Temperaturspanne: -100°C to +600°C
- Scanning electron microscopy
- Infrarotspektroskopie: BRUKER TENSOR mit ATR und grazing incidence
- Infrarotmikroskopie: BRUKER HYPERION 2000 mit ATR und grazing incidence
- Grazing incidence angle XRD
- PROAIR: Active protection of multi-material assemblies for aircrafts
- MULTISURF - MULTI-functional metallic SURFaces via active Layered Double Hydroxide treatments
- TUMOCS - TUneable Multiferroics based on oxygen OCtahedral Structures
- SMARCOAT - Development of smart nano and microcapsulated sensing coatings for improving of material durability/performance
- LORCENIS - Long Lasting Reinforced Concrete for Energy Infrastructure under Severe Operating Conditions
• Bouali, A.C., Iuzviuk, M.H., Serdechnova, M., Yasakau, K.A., Wieland, D.C.F., Dovzhenko, G., Maltanava, H., Zobkalo, I.A., Ferreira, M.G.S., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Zn-Al LDH growth on AA2024 and zinc and their intercalation with chloride: Comparison of crystal structure and kinetics. (2020) Applied Surface Science, 501, art. no. 144027, .
• Jiang, P., Blawert, C., Hou, R., Bohlen, J., Konchakova, N., Zheludkevich, M.L.: A comprehensive comparison of the corrosion performance, fatigue behavior and mechanical properties of micro-alloyed MgZnCa and MgZnGe alloys. (2020) Materials and Design, 185, art. no. 108285, .
• Deng, M., Höche, D., Snihirova, D., Wang, L., Vaghefinazari, B., Lamaka, S.V., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Chapter 12: Aqueous Mg Batteries. (2020) RSC Energy and Environment Series, 2020-January (23), pp. 275-308.
• Santos-Coquillat, A., Esteban-Lucia, M., Martinez-Campos, E., Mohedano, M., Arrabal, R., Blawert, C., Zheludkevich, M.L., Matykina, E.: PEO coatings design for Mg-Ca alloy for cardiovascular stent and bone regeneration applications. (2019) Materials Science and Engineering C, 105, art. no. 110026, .
• Mir, Z.M., Höche, D., Gomes, C., Sampaio, R., Bastos, A.C., Maincon, P., Ferreira, M.G.S., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Enhanced Predictive Modelling of Steel Corrosion in Concrete in Submerged Zone Based on a Dynamic Activation Approach. (2019) International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, 13 (1), art. no. 11, .
• Deng, M., Wang, L., Höche, D., Lamaka, S.V., Snihirova, D., Vaghefinazari, B., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Clarifying the decisive factors for utilization efficiency of Mg anodes for primary aqueous batteries. (2019) Journal of Power Sources, 441, art. no. 227201, .
• Bouali, A.C., Straumal, E.A., Serdechnova, M., Wieland, D.C.F., Starykevich, M., Blawert, C., Hammel, J.U., Lermontov, S.A., Ferreira, M.G.S., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Layered double hydroxide based active corrosion protective sealing of plasma electrolytic oxidation/sol-gel composite coating on AA2024. (2019) Applied Surface Science, 494, pp. 829-840.
• Bouali, A.C., Bastos, A.C., Lamaka, S.V., Serdechnova, M., Ferreira, M.G.S., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Evaporation of Electrolyte during SVET Measurements: The Scale of the Problem and the Solutions. (2019) Electroanalysis, 31 (11), pp. 2290-2298.
• Snihirova, D., Lamaka, S.V., Gonzalez-Garcia, Y., Yilmaz, A., Scharnagl, N., Montemor, M.F., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Influence of inhibitor adsorption on readings of microelectrode during SVET measurements. (2019) Electrochimica Acta, 322, art. no. 134761, .
• Queiroz, F.M., Donatus, U., Prada Ramirez, O.M., de Sousa Araujo, J.V., Gonçalves de Viveiros, B.V., Lamaka, S., Zheludkevich, M., Masoumi, M., Vivier, V., Costa, I., Gomes de Melo, H.: Effect of unequal levels of deformation and fragmentation on the electrochemical response of friction stir welded AA2024-T3 alloy. (2019) Electrochimica Acta, 313, pp. 271-281.
• Liu, W., Blawert, C., Zheludkevich, M.L., Lin, Y., Talha, M., Shi, Y., Chen, L.: Effects of graphene nanosheets on the ceramic coatings formed on Ti6Al4V alloy drill pipe by plasma electrolytic oxidation. (2019) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, pp. 996-1007.
• Mei, D., Lamaka, S.V., Feiler, C., Zheludkevich, M.L.: The effect of small-molecule bio-relevant organic components at low concentration on the corrosion of commercially pure Mg and Mg-0.8Ca alloy: An overall perspective. (2019) Corrosion Science, 153, pp. 258-271.
• Jiang, P., Blawert, C., Scharnagl, N., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Influence of water purity on the corrosion behavior of Mg0.5ZnX (X=Ca, Ge) alloys. (2019) Corrosion Science, 153, pp. 62-73.
• Deng, M., Höche, D., Lamaka, S.V., Wang, L., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Revealing the impact of second phase morphology on discharge properties of binary Mg-Ca anodes for primary Mg-air batteries. (2019) Corrosion Science, 153, pp. 225-235.
• Entringer, J., Meisnar, M., Reimann, M., Blawert, C., Zheludkevich, M., dos Santos, J.F.: The effect of grain boundary precipitates on stress corrosion cracking in a bobbin tool friction stir welded Al-Cu-Li alloy. (2019) Materials Letters: X, 2, art. no. 100014, .
• Ofoegbu, S.U., Yasakau, K., Kallip, S., Nogueira, H.I.S., Ferreira, M.G.S., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Modification of carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) surface with sodium dodecyl sulphate for mitigation of cathodic activity. (2019) Applied Surface Science, 478, pp. 924-936.
• Kalanda, N., Garamus, V., Avdeev, M., Zheludkevich, M., Yarmolich, M., Serdechnova, M., Florian Wieland, D.C., Petrov, A., Zhaludkevich, A., Sobolev, N.: Small-Angle Neutron Scattering and Magnetically Heterogeneous State in Sr 2 FeMoO 6–δ. (2019) Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research, 256 (5), art. no. 1800428, .
• Jiang, P., Blawert, C., Hou, R., Scharnagl, N., Bohlen, J., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Microstructural influence on corrosion behavior of MgZnGe alloy in NaCl solution. (2019) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, pp. 179-192.
• Smazna, D., Shree, S., Polonskyi, O., Lamaka, S., Baum, M., Zheludkevich, M., Faupel, F., Adelung, R., Mishra, Y.K.: Mutual interplay of ZnO micro- and nanowires and methylene blue during cyclic photocatalysis process. (2019) Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 7 (2), art. no. 103016, .
• Würger, T., Feiler, C., Musil, F., Feldbauer, G.B.V., Höche, D., Lamaka, S.V., Zheludkevich, M.L., Meißner, R.H.: Data science based mg corrosion engineering. (2019) Frontiers in Materials, 6, art. no. 53, pp. 1-9.
• Ofoegbu, S.U., Ferreira, M.G.S., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Galvanically stimulated degradation of carbon-fiber reinforced polymer composites: A critical review. (2019) Materials, 12 (4), art. no. 651, .
• Han, J., Blawert, C., Yang, J., Lu, X., Hu, J., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Self-cleaning property of AZ31 Mg alloy during plasma electrolytic oxidation process. (2019) Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, 29 (1), pp. 94-102.
• Mei, D., Lamaka, S.V., Gonzalez, J., Feyerabend, F., Willumeit-Römer, R., Zheludkevich, M.L.: The role of individual components of simulated body fluid on the corrosion behavior of commercially pure Mg. (2019) Corrosion Science, 147, pp. 81-93.
• Atapour, M., Blawert, C., Zheludkevich, M.L.: The wear characteristics of CeO2 containing nanocomposite coating made by aluminate-based PEO on AM 50 magnesium alloy. (2019) Surface and Coatings Technology, 357, pp. 626-637.
• Snihirova, D., Höche, D., Lamaka, S., Mir, Z., Hack, T., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Galvanic corrosion of Ti6Al4V -AA2024 joints in aircraft environment: Modelling and experimental validation. (2019) Corrosion Science, .
• Lisenkov, A.D., Poznyak, S.K., Almeida, C.M.R., Zheludkevich, M.L., Ferreira, M.G.S.: Encapsulation of Al and Ti-Al alloy 1-D nanorods into oxide matrix by powerful pulsed discharge method. (2018) Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 22 (12), pp. 3913-3920.
• Gießgen, T., Mittelbach, A., Höche, D., Zheludkevich, M., Kainer, K.U.: Enhanced predictive corrosion modeling via randomly distributed boundary conditions. (2018) Materials and Corrosion, 69 (12), pp. 1720-1728.
• Shulha, T.N., Serdechnova, M., Lamaka, S.V., Wieland, D.C.F., Lapko, K.N., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Chelating agent-assisted in situ LDH growth on the surface of magnesium alloy. (2018) Scientific Reports, 8 (1), art. no. 16409, .
• Höche, D., Lamaka, S.V., Vaghefinazari, B., Braun, T., Petrauskas, R.P., Fichtner, M., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Performance boost for primary magnesium cells using iron complexing agents as electrolyte additives. (2018) Scientific Reports, 8 (1), art. no. 7578, .
• Okulov, I.V., Lamaka, S.V., Wada, T., Yubuta, K., Zheludkevich, M.L., Weissmüller, J., Markmann, J., Kato, H.: Nanoporous magnesium. (2018) Nano Research, 11 (12), pp. 6428-6435.
• Serdechnova, M., Karpushenkov, S.A., Karpushenkava, L.S., Starykevich, M., Ferreira, M.G.S., Hack, T., Iuzviuk, M.H., Zobkalo, I.A., Blawert, C., Zheludkevich, M.L.: The influence of PSA Pre-Anodization of AA2024 on PEO coating formation: Composition, microstructure, corrosion, and wear behaviors. (2018) Materials, 11 (12), art. no. 2428, .
• Lu, X., Blawert, C., Kainer, K.U., Zhang, T., Wang, F., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Influence of particle additions on corrosion and wear resistance of plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on Mg alloy. (2018) Surface and Coatings Technology, 352, pp. 1-14.
• Yasakau, K.A., Kuznetsova, A., Kallip, S., Starykevich, M., Tedim, J., Ferreira, M.G.S., Zheludkevich, M.L.: A novel bilayer system comprising LDH conversion layer and sol-gel coating for active corrosion protection of AA2024. (2018) Corrosion Science, 143, pp. 299-313.
• Ma, X., Blawert, C., Höche, D., Kainer, K.U., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Simulation assisted investigation of substrate geometry impact on PEO coating formation. (2018) Surface and Coatings Technology, 350, pp. 281-297.
• Lamaka, S.V., Gonzalez, J., Mei, D., Feyerabend, F., Willumeit-Römer, R., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Local pH and Its Evolution Near Mg Alloy Surfaces Exposed to Simulated Body Fluids. (2018) Advanced Materials Interfaces, 5 (18), art. no. 1800169, .
• Yang, J., Di, S., Blawert, C., Lamaka, S.V., Wang, L., Fu, B., Jiang, P., Wang, L., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Enhanced Wear Performance of Hybrid Epoxy-Ceramic Coatings on Magnesium Substrates. (2018) ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 10 (36), pp. 30741-30751.
• Yang, J., Blawert, C., Lamaka, S.V., Yasakau, K.A., Wang, L., Laipple, D., Schieda, M., Di, S., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Corrosion inhibition of pure Mg containing a high level of iron impurity in pH neutral NaCl solution. (2018) Corrosion Science, 142, pp. 222-237.
• Deng, M., Höche, D., Lamaka, S.V., Snihirova, D., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Mg-Ca binary alloys as anodes for primary Mg-air batteries. (2018) Journal of Power Sources, 396, pp. 109-118.
• Silva, E.L., Lamaka, S.V., Mei, D., Zheludkevich, M.L.: The Reduction of Dissolved Oxygen During Magnesium Corrosion. (2018) ChemistryOpen, 7 (8), pp. 664-668.
• Mata, D., Scharnagl, N., Lamaka, S.V., Malheiro, E., Maia, F., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Validating the early corrosion sensing functionality in poly (ether imide) coatings for enhanced protection of magnesium alloy AZ31. (2018) Corrosion Science, 140, pp. 307-320.
• Yang, J., Blawert, C., Lamaka, S.V., Snihirova, D., Lu, X., Di, S., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Corrosion protection properties of inhibitor containing hybrid PEO-epoxy coating on magnesium. (2018) Corrosion Science, 140, pp. 99-110.
• Lu, X., Blawert, C., Tolnai, D., Subroto, T., Kainer, K.U., Zhang, T., Wang, F., Zheludkevich, M.L.: 3D reconstruction of plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on Mg alloy via synchrotron radiation tomography. (2018) Corrosion Science, 139, pp. 395-402.
• Yasakau, K.A., Ferreira, M.G.S., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Sol-gel coatings with nanocontainers of corrosion inhibitors for active corrosion protection of metallic materials. (2018) Handbook of Sol-Gel Science and Technology: Processing, Characterization and Applications, pp. 2435-2471.
• Abdolah Zadeh, M., Tedim, J., Zheludkevich, M., van der Zwaag, S., Garcia, S.J.: Synergetic active corrosion protection of AA2024-T3 by 2D- anionic and 3D-cationic nanocontainers loaded with Ce and mercaptobenzothiazole. (2018) Corrosion Science, 135, pp. 35-45.
• Hakimizad, A., Raeissi, K., Golozar, M.A., Lu, X., Blawert, C., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Influence of cathodic duty cycle on the properties of tungsten containing Al2O3/TiO2 PEO nano-composite coatings. (2018) Surface and Coatings Technology, 340, pp. 210-221.
• Chen, Y., Lu, X., Blawert, C., Zheludkevich, M.L., Zhang, T., Wang, F.: Formation of self-lubricating PEO coating via in-situ incorporation of PTFE particles. (2018) Surface and Coatings Technology, 337, pp. 379-388.
• Lamaka, S.V., Vaghefinazari, B., Mei, D., Petrauskas, R.P., Höche, D., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Comprehensive screening of Mg corrosion inhibitors. (2017) Corrosion Science, 128, pp. 224-240.
• Ma, X., Blawert, C., Höche, D., Kainer, K.U., Zheludkevich, M.L.: A model describing the growth of a PEO coating on AM50 Mg alloy under constant voltage mode. (2017) Electrochimica Acta, 251, pp. 461-474.
• Hakimizad, A., Raeissi, K., Golozar, M.A., Lu, X., Blawert, C., Zheludkevich, M.L.: The effect of pulse waveforms on surface morphology, composition and corrosion behavior of Al2O3 and Al2O3/TiO2 nano-composite PEO coatings on 7075 aluminum alloy. (2017) Surface and Coatings Technology, 324, pp. 208-221.
• Yang, J., Lu, X., Blawert, C., Di, S., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Microstructure and corrosion behavior of Ca/P coatings prepared on magnesium by plasma electrolytic oxidation. (2017) Surface and Coatings Technology, 319, pp. 359-369.
• Silva, E.L., Höche, D., Bouali, A.C., Serdechnova, M., Sesenes, R.L., Scholz, C.S., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Digital modelling of the galvanic corrosion behaviour of a self–piercing riveted AZ31 - AA5083 hybrid joint [Digitale Modellierung galvanischer Korrosion an stanzgenieteten AZ31-AA5083 Hybridverbunden]. (2017) Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 48 (6), pp. 529-545.
• Mohedano, M., Blawert, C., Yasakau, K.A., Arrabal, R., Matykina, E., Mingo, B., Scharnagl, N., Ferreira, M.G.S., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Characterization and corrosion behavior of binary Mg-Ga alloys. (2017) Materials Characterization, 128, pp. 85-99.
• Kuznetsova, A., Domingues, P.M., Silva, T., Almeida, A., Zheludkevich, M.L., Tedim, J., Ferreira, M.G.S., Cunha, A.: Antimicrobial activity of 2-mercaptobenzothiazole released from environmentally friendly nanostructured layered double hydroxides. (2017) Journal of Applied Microbiology, 122 (5), pp. 1207-1218.
• Mohedano, M., Serdechnova, M., Starykevich, M., Karpushenkov, S., Bouali, A.C., Ferreira, M.G.S., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Active protective PEO coatings on AA2024: Role of voltage on in-situ LDH growth. (2017) Materials and Design, 120, pp. 36-46.
• Mohedano, M., Luthringer, B.J.C., Mingo, B., Feyerabend, F., Arrabal, R., Sanchez-Egido, P.J., Blawert, C., Willumeit-Römer, R., Zheludkevich, M.L., Matykina, E.: Bioactive plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on Mg-Ca alloy to control degradation behaviour. (2017) Surface and Coatings Technology, 315, pp. 454-467.
• Klein, M., Lu, X., Blawert, C., Kainer, K.U., Zheludkevich, M.L., Walther, F.: Influence of plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on fatigue performance of AZ31 Mg alloy. (2017) Materials and Corrosion, 68 (1), pp. 50-57.
• Lu, X., Schieda, M., Blawert, C., Kainer, K.U., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Formation of photocatalytic plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on magnesium alloy by incorporation of TiO2 particles. (2016) Surface and Coatings Technology, 307, pp. 287-291.
• Lu, X., Mohedano, M., Blawert, C., Matykina, E., Arrabal, R., Kainer, K.U., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings with particle additions – A review. (2016) Surface and Coatings Technology, 307, pp. 1165-1182.
• Yasakau, K.A., Giner, I., Vree, C., Ozcan, O., Grothe, R., Oliveira, A., Grundmeier, G., Ferreira, M.G.S., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Influence of stripping and cooling atmospheres on surface properties and corrosion of zinc galvanizing coatings. (2016) Applied Surface Science, 389, pp. 144-156.
• Yasakau, K.A., Kallip, S., Lisenkov, A., Ferreira, M.G.S., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Initial stages of localized corrosion at cut-edges of adhesively bonded Zn and Zn-Al-Mg galvanized steel. (2016) Electrochimica Acta, 211, pp. 126-141.
• Tedim, J., Bastos, A.C., Kallip, S., Zheludkevich, M.L., Ferreira, M.G.S.: Corrosion protection of AA2024-T3 by LDH conversion films. Analysis of SVET results. (2016) Electrochimica Acta, 210, pp. 215-224.
• Mohedano, M., Matykina, E., Arrabal, R., Mingo, B., Zheludkevich, M.L.: PEO of rheocast A356 Al alloy: energy efficiency and corrosion properties. (2016) Surface and Interface Analysis, 48 (8), pp. 953-959.
• Rico-Oller, B., Mertens, T., Kolb, M., Wehr, J., Zheludkevich, M.: Environmentally friendly anodising process for structural bonding of titanium. (2016) Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 47 (5-6), pp. 400-408.
• Zheludkevich, M.L., Hughes, A.E.: Delivery systems for self healing protective coatings. (2016) Springer Series in Materials Science, 233, pp. 157-199.
• Hughes, A.E., Mol, J.M.C., Zheludkevich, M.L., Buchheit, R.G.: Introduction. (2016) Springer Series in Materials Science, 233, pp. 1-17.
• Lu, X., Blawert, C., Kainer, K.U., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Investigation of the formation mechanisms of plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on Mg alloy AM50 using particles. (2016)
Electrochimica Acta, 196, pp. 680-691.
• Lu, X., Blawert, C., Mohedano, M., Scharnagl, N., Zheludkevich, M.L., Kainer, K.U.: Influence of electrical parameters on particle uptake during plasma electrolytic oxidation processing of AM50 Mg alloy. (2016) Surface and Coatings Technology, 289, pp. 179-185.
• Galvão, T.L.P., Kuznetsova, A., Gomes, J.R.B., Zheludkevich, M.L., Tedim, J., Ferreira, M.G.S.: A computational UV–Vis spectroscopic study of the chemical speciation of 2-mercaptobenzothiazole corrosion inhibitor in aqueous solution. (2016) Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, 135 (3), art. no. 78.
• Zheludkevich, M.L., Kallip, S., Serdechnova, M.: Protection of multimaterial assemblies. (2016) Nanomaterials in Joining, pp. 73-102.
• Lamaka, S.V., Höche, D., Petrauskas, R.P., Blawert, C., Zheludkevich, M.L.: A new concept for corrosion inhibition of magnesium: Suppression of iron re-deposition. (2016) Electrochemistry Communications, 62, pp. 5-8.
• Klein, M., Lu, X., Blawert, C., Kainer, K.U., Zheludkevich, M.L., Walther, F.: Influence of plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on fatigue performance of AZ31 Mg alloy. (2016) Materials and Corrosion. Article in Press.
• Lu, X., Blawert, C., Huang, Y., Ovri, H., Zheludkevich, M.L., Kainer, K.U.: Plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on Mg alloy with addition of SiO2 particles. (2016) Electrochimica Acta, 187, pp. 20-33.
• Serdechnova, M., Salak, A.N., Barbosa, F.S., Vieira, D.E.L., Tedim, J., Zheludkevich, M.L., Ferreira, M.G.S.: Interlayer intercalation and arrangement of 2-mercaptobenzothiazolate and 1,2,3-benzotriazolate anions in layered double hydroxides: In situ X-ray diffraction study. (2016) Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 233, pp. 158-165.
• Maia, F., Yasakau, K.A., Carneiro, J., Kallip, S., Tedim, J., Henriques, T., Cabral, A., Venâncio, J., Zheludkevich, M.L., Ferreira, M.G.S.: Corrosion protection of AA2024 by sol-gel coatings modified with MBT-loaded polyurea microcapsules. (2016) Chemical Engineering Journal, 283, pp. 1108-1117.
• Kuznetsov, B., Serdechnova, M., Tedim, J., Starykevich, M., Kallip, S., Oliveira, M.P., Hack, T., Nixon, S., Ferreira, M.G.S., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Sealing of tartaric sulfuric (TSA) anodized AA2024 with nanostructured LDH layers. (2016) RSC Advances, 6 (17), pp. 13942-13952.
• Ivanou, D.K., Yasakau, K.A., Kallip, S., Lisenkov, A.D., Starykevich, M., Lamaka, S.V., Ferreira, M.G.S., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Active corrosion protection coating for a ZE41 magnesium alloy created by combining PEO and sol-gel techniques. (2016) RSC Advances, 6 (15), pp. 12553-12560.
• Mohedano, M., Blawert, C., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Silicate-based Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO) coatings with incorporated CeO2 particles on AM50 magnesium alloy. (2015) Materials and Design, 86, pp. 735-744.
• Höche, D., Blawert, C., Lamaka, S.V., Scharnagl, N., Mendis, C., Zheludkevich, M.L.: The effect of iron re-deposition on the corrosion of impurity-containing magnesium. (2015) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18 (2), pp. 1279-1291.
• Ma, X., Blawert, C., Höche, D., Zheludkevich, M.L., Kainer, K.U.: Investigation of electrode distance impact on PEO coating formation assisted by simulation. (2015) Applied Surface Science, . Article in Press.
• Starykevich, M., Salak, A.N., Ivanou, D.K., Lisenkov, A.D., Zheludkevich, M.L., Ferreira, M.G.S.: Electrochemical deposition of zinc from deep eutectic solvent on barrier alumina layers. (2015) Electrochimica Acta, 170, pp. 284-291.
• Silva, E.L., Gouvêa, C.P., Quevedo, M.C., Neto, M.A., Archanjo, B.S., Fernandes, A.J.S., Achete, C.A., Silva, R.F., Zheludkevich, M.L., Oliveira, F.J.: All-Diamond Microelectrodes as Solid State Probes for Localized Electrochemical Sensing. (2015) Analytical Chemistry, 87 (13), pp. 6487-6492.
• Maia, F., Silva, A.P., Fernandes, S., Cunha, A., Almeida, A., Tedim, J., Zheludkevich, M.L., Ferreira, M.G.S.: Incorporation of biocides in nanocapsules for protective coatings used in maritime applications. (2015) Chemical Engineering Journal, 270, pp. 150-157.
• Salak, A.N., Ignatenko, O.V., Zhaludkevich, A.L., Lisenkov, A.D., Starykevich, M., Zheludkevich, M.L., Ferreira, M.G.S.: High-pressure zinc oxysulphide phases in the ZnO-ZnS system. (2015) Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science, 212 (4), pp. 791-795.
• Oliveira, A.B., Bastos, A.C., Fernandes, C.M., Pinho, C.M.S., Senos, A.M.R., Soares, E., Sacramento, J., Zheludkevich, M.L., Ferreira, M.G.S.: Corrosion behaviour of WC-10% AISI 304 cemented carbides. (2015) Corrosion Science, . Article in Press.
• Mohedano, M., Blawert, C., Zheludkevich, M.L.: Cerium-based sealing of PEO coated AM50 magnesium alloy. (2015) Surface and Coatings Technology, 269 (1), pp. 145-154.
• Kalanda, N.A., Kovalev, L.V., Waerenborgh, J.C., Soares, M.R., Zheludkevich, M.L., Yarmolich, M.V., Sobolev, N.A.: Interplay of superstructural ordering and magnetic properties of the
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• Muhaffel, F., Mert, F., Cimenoglu, H., Höche, D., Zheludkevich, M.L., Blawert, C.: Characterisation and corrosion behaviour of plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on high pressure die
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• Lu, X., Sah, S.P., Scharnagl, N., Störmer, M., Starykevich, M., Mohedano, M., Blawert, C., Zheludkevich, M., Kainer, K.U.: Degradation behavior of PEO coating on AM50 magnesium alloy produced from electrolytes with clay particle addition. (2015) Surface and Coatings Technology, 269 (1), pp. 155-169.
• Salak, A.N., Ignatenko, O.V., Zhaludkevich, A.L., Lisenkov, A.D., Starykevich, M., Zheludkevich, M.L., Ferreira, M.G.S.: High-pressure zinc oxysulphide phases in the ZnO-ZnS system.
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• Carneiro, J., Caetano, A.F., Kuznetsova, A., Maia, F., Salak, A.N., Tedim, J., Scharnagl, N., Zheludkevich, M.L., Ferreira, M.G.S.: Polyelectrolyte-modified layered double hydroxide
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