Prof. Dr. Thomas Klassen

Division Materials TechnologyMax-Planck-Str. 1
21502 GeesthachtTel. +49 4152/87-2542E-mail contactWebsite
22043 HamburgTel. +49 40/6541-3617E-mail contactWebsite
- Nanostructured semiconductor surfaces for photoelectrochemical production of hydrogen by sun light (Dept. Sustainable Energy Technology)
- Nanocrystalline light metal hydrides and hydride composites for solid state hydrogen storage: Development, optimisation, scale-up of materials production and evaluation of novel hydrogen storage materials, hydrogen storage tank design and test (Dept. Nanotechnology)
- Deposition of nanostructured thin layers for corrosion protection and for X-ray and neutron optics (Dept. Nanotechnology)
• Cinca, N., Drehmann, R., Dietrich, D., Gärtner, F., Klassen, T., Lampke, T., Guilemany, J.M.: Mechanically induced grain refinement, recovery and recrystallization of cold-sprayed iron aluminide coatings. (2019) Surface and Coatings Technology, 380, art. no. 125069, .
• Treekamol, Y., Schieda, M., Herrmann-Geppert, I., Klassen, T.: Optimized photoactive coatings prepared with functionalized TiO2. (2019) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44 (60), pp. 31800-31807.
• Pérez-Andrade, L.I., Gärtner, F., Villa-Vidaller, M., Klassen, T., Muñoz-Saldaña, J., Alvarado-Orozco, J.M.: Optimization of Inconel 718 thick deposits by cold spray processing and annealing. (2019) Surface and Coatings Technology, 378, art. no. 124997, .
• Bellosta von Colbe, J.M., Puszkiel, J., Capurso, G., Franz, A., Benz, H.U., Zoz, H., Klassen, T., Dornheim, M.: Scale-up of milling in a 100 L device for processing of TiFeMn alloy for hydrogen storage applications: Procedure and characterization. (2019) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44 (55), pp. 29282-29290.
• Le, T.T., Pistidda, C., Puszkiel, J., Milanese, C., Garroni, S., Emmler, T., Capurso, G., Gizer, G., Klassen, T., Dornheim, M.: Efficient synthesis of alkali borohydrides from mechanochemical reduction of borates using magnesium-aluminum-basedwaste. (2019) Metals, 9 (10), art. no. 1061, .
• Bergemann, N., Pistidda, C., Uptmoor, M., Milanese, C., Santoru, A., Emmler, T., Puszkiel, J., Dornheim, M., Klassen, T.: A new mutually destabilized reactive hydride system: LiBH 4 –Mg 2 NiH 4. (2019) Journal of Energy Chemistry, pp. 240-254.
• Gizer, G., Puszkiel, J., Cao, H., Pistidda, C., Le, T.T., Dornheim, M., Klassen, T.: Tuning the reaction mechanism and hydrogenation/dehydrogenation properties of 6Mg(NH 2 ) 2 [sbnd]9LiH system by adding LiBH 4. (2019) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44 (23), pp. 11920-11929.
• Bellosta von Colbe, J., Ares, J.-R., Barale, J., Baricco, M., Buckley, C., Capurso, G., Gallandat, N., Grant, D.M., Guzik, M.N., Jacob, I., Jensen, E.H., Jensen, T., Jepsen, J., Klassen, T., Lototskyy, M.V., Manickam, K., Montone, A., Puszkiel, J., Sartori, S., Sheppard, D.A., Stuart, A., Walker, G., Webb, C.J., Yang, H., Yartys, V., Züttel, A., Dornheim, M.: Application of hydrides in hydrogen storage and compression: Achievements, outlook and perspectives. (2019) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44 (15), pp. 7780-7808.
• Assadi, H., Gärtner, F., Klassen, T., Kreye, H.: Comment on ‘Adiabatic shear instability is not necessary for adhesion in cold spray’. (2019) Scripta Materialia, 162, pp. 512-514.
• Fengler, S., Dittrich, T., Schieda, M., Gutzmann, H., Emmler, T., Villa-Vidaller, M., Klassen, T.: Characterization of BiVO4 powders and cold gas sprayed layers by surface photovoltage techniques. (2019) Catalysis Today, 321-322, pp. 34-40.
• Theimer, S., Graunitz, M., Schulze, M., Gaertner, F., Klassen, T.: Optimization Adhesion in Cold Spraying onto Hard Substrates: A Case Study for Brass Coatings. (2019) Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 28 (1-2), pp. 124-134.
• Bellosta von Colbe, J.M., Puszkiel, J., Capurso, G., Franz, A., Benz, H.U., Zoz, H., Klassen, T., Dornheim, M.: Scale-up of milling in a 100 L device for processing of TiFeMn alloy for hydrogen storage applications: Procedure and characterization. (2019) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, .
• Thiangviriya, S., Sitthiwet, C., Plerdsranoy, P., Capurso, G., Pistidda, C., Utke, O., Dornheim, M., Klassen, T., Utke, R.: Hydrogen sorption kinetics, hydrogen permeability, and thermal properties of compacted 2LiBH 4 –MgH 2 doped with activated carbon nanofibers. (2019) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, .
• Cao, H., Georgopanos, P., Capurso, G., Pistidda, C., Weigelt, F., Chaudhary, A.-L., Filiz, V., Tseng, J.-C., Wharmby, M.T., Dornheim, M., Abetz, V., Klassen, T.: Air-stable metal hydride-polymer composites of Mg(NH2)2–LiH and TPX™. (2018) Materials Today Energy, 10, pp. 98-107.
• Wolff, M., Luczak, M., Schaper, J.G., Wiese, B., Dahms, M., Ebel, T., Willumeit-Römer, R., Klassen, T.: In vitro biodegradation testing of Mg-alloy EZK400 and manufacturing of implant prototypes using PM (powder metallurgy) methods. (2018) Bioactive Materials, 3 (3), pp. 213-217.
• Dematteis, E.M., Santoru, A., Poletti, M.G., Pistidda, C., Klassen, T., Dornheim, M., Baricco, M.: Phase stability and hydrogen desorption in a quinary equimolar mixture of light-metals borohydrides. (2018) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43 (34), pp. 16793-16803.
• Hardian, R., Pistidda, C., Chaudhary, A.-L., Capurso, G., Gizer, G., Cao, H., Milanese, C., Girella, A., Santoru, A., Yigit, D., Dieringa, H., Kainer, K.U., Klassen, T., Dornheim, M.: Waste Mg-Al based alloys for hydrogen storage. (2018) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43 (34), pp. 16738-16748.
• Milanese, C., Garroni, S., Gennari, F., Marini, A., Klassen, T., Dornheim, M., Pistidda, C.: Solid state hydrogen storage in alanates and alanate-based compounds: A review. (2018) Metals, 8 (8), art. no. 567, .
• Karimi, F., Riglos, M.V.C., Santoru, A., Hoell, A., Raghuwanshi, V.S., Milanese, C., Bergemann, N., Pistidda, C., Nolis, P., Baro, M.D., Gizer, G., Le, T.-T., Pranzas, P.K., Dornheim, M., Klassen, T., Schreyer, A., Puszkiel, J.: In Situ Formation of TiB2 Nanoparticles for Enhanced Dehydrogenation/Hydrogenation Reaction Kinetics of LiBH4-MgH2 as a Reversible Solid-State Hydrogen Storage Composite System. (2018) Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122 (22), pp. 11671-11679.
• Le, T.-T., Pistidda, C., Puszkiel, J., Castro Riglos, M.V., Karimi, F., Skibsted, Jø., Gharibdoust, S.P., Richter, B., Emmler, T., Milanese, C., Santoru, A., Hoell, A., Krumrey, M., Gericke, E., Akiba, E., Jensen, T.R., Klassen, T., Dornheim, M.: Design of a Nanometric AlTi Additive for MgB2-Based Reactive Hydride Composites with Superior Kinetic Properties. (2018) Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122 (14), pp. 7642-7655.
• Santoru, A., Pistidda, C., Brighi, M., Chierotti, M.R., Heere, M., Karimi, F., Cao, H., Capurso, G., Chaudhary, A.-L., Gizer, G., Garroni, S., Sørby, M.H., Hauback, B.C., Černý, R., Klassen, T., Dornheim, M.: Insights into the Rb-Mg-N-H System: An Ordered Mixed Amide/Imide Phase and a Disordered Amide/Hydride Solid Solution. (2018) Inorganic Chemistry, 57 (6), pp. 3197-3205.
• Fengler, S., Dittrich, T., Schieda, M., Gutzmann, H., Emmler, T., Villa-Vidaller, M., Klassen, T.: Characterization of BiVO4 powders and cold gas sprayed layers by surface photovoltage techniques. (2018) Catalysis Today, . Article in Press.
• Wolff, M., Schaper, J.G., Dahms, M., Ebel, T., Willumeit-Römer, R., Klassen, T.: Metal injection molding (MIM) of mg-alloys. (2018) Minerals, Metals and Materials Series, Part F12, pp. 239-251.
• Wang, H., Cao, H., Zhang, W., Chen, J., Wu, H., Pistidda, C., Ju, X., Zhou, W., Wu, G., Etter, M., Klassen, T., Dornheim, M., Chen, P.: Li2NH-LiBH4: a Complex Hydride with Near Ambient Hydrogen Adsorption and Fast Lithium Ion Conduction. (2018) Chemistry - A European Journal, 24 (6), pp. 1342-1347.
• Cao, H., Guo, J., Chang, F., Pistidda, C., Zhou, W., Zhang, X., Santoru, A., Wu, H., Schell, N., Niewa, R., Chen, P., Klassen, T., Dornheim, M.: Transition and Alkali Metal Complex Ternary Amides for Ammonia Synthesis and Decomposition. (2017) Chemistry - A European Journal, 23 (41), pp. 9766-9771.
• Wang, H., Cao, H., Pistidda, C., Garroni, S., Wu, G., Klassen, T., Dorheim, M., Chen, P.: Effects of Stoichiometry on the H2-Storage Properties of Mg(NH2)2–LiH–LiBH4 Tri-Component Systems. (2017) Chemistry - An Asian Journal, 12 (14), pp. 1758-1764.
• Chaudhary, A.-L., Dietzel, S., Li, H.-W., Akiba, E., Bergemann, N., Pistidda, C., Klassen, T., Dornheim, M.: Synthesis of Mg2FeD6 under low pressure conditions for Mg2FeH6 hydrogen storage studies. (2017) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42 (16), pp. 11422-11428.
• Arabgol, Z., Villa Vidaller, M., Assadi, H., Gärtner, F., Klassen, T.: Influence of thermal properties and temperature of substrate on the quality of cold-sprayed deposits. (2017) Acta Materialia, 127, pp. 287-301.
• Carrillo-Bucio, J.L., Saldan, I., Pistidda, C., Karimi, F., Suárez-Alcántara, K., Dornheim, M., Klassen, T.: Hydrogenation Study of NaF/NaH/MgB2 Reactive Hydride Composites. (2017) Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121 (8), pp. 4093-4102.
• Cao, H., Pistidda, C., Richter, T.M.M., Santoru, A., Milanese, C., Garroni, S., Bednarcik, J., Chaudhary, A.-L., Gizer, G., Liermann, H.-P., Niewa, R., Ping, C., Klassen, T., Dornheim, M.: In situ x-ray diffraction studies on the de/rehydrogenation processes of the K2[Zn(NH2)4]-8LiH system. (2017) Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121 (3), pp. 1546-1551.
• Krebs, S., Kuroda, S., Katanoda, H., Gaertner, F., Klassen, T., Araki, H., Frede, S.: Warm Spraying of High-Strength Ni-Al-Bronze: Cavitation Characteristics and Property Prediction. (2016) Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, pp. 1-13. Article in Press.
• Börries, S., Metz, O., Pranzas, P.K., Bellosta von Colbe, J.M., Bücherl, T., Dornheim, M., Klassen, T., Schreyer, A.: Optimization and comprehensive characterization of metal hydride based hydrogen storage systems using in-situ Neutron Radiography. (2016) Journal of Power Sources, 328, pp. 567-577.
• Assadi, H., Kreye, H., Gärtner, F., Klassen, T.: Cold spraying – A materials perspective. (2016) Acta Materialia, 116, pp. 382-407.
• Wolff, M., Schaper, J.G., Suckert, M.R., Dahms, M., Feyerabend, F., Ebel, T., Willumeit-Römer, R., Klassen, T.: Metal injection molding (MIM) of magnesium and its alloys. (2016) Metals, 6 (5), art. no. 118.
• Assadi, H., Kreye, H., Gärtner, F., Klassen, T.: Cold spraying - A materials perspective (2016) Acta Materialia, . Article in Press.
• Sheppard, D.A., Paskevicius, M., Humphries, T.D., Felderhoff, M., Capurso, G., Bellosta von Colbe, J., Dornheim, M., Klassen, T., Ward, P.A., Teprovich, J.A., Corgnale, C., Zidan, R., Grant, D.M., Buckley, C.E.: Metal hydrides for concentrating solar thermal power energy storage. (2016) Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 122 (4), art. no. 395, .
• Paskevicius, M., Filsø, U., Karimi, F., Puszkiel, J., Pranzas, P.K., Pistidda, C., Hoell, A., Welter, E., Schreyer, A., Klassen, T., Dornheim, M., Jensen, T.R.: Cyclic stability and structure of nanoconfined Ti-doped NaAlH4. (2016) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41 (7), pp. 4159-4167.
• Herrmann-Geppert, I., Bogdanoff, P., Emmler, T., Dittrich, T., Radnik, J., Klassen, T., Gutzmann, H., Schieda, M.: Cold gas spraying - A promising technique for photoelectrodes: The example TiO2. (2016) Catalysis Today, 260, pp. 140-147.
• Cao, H., Santoru, A., Pistidda, C., Richter, T.M.M., Chaudhary, A.-L., Gizer, G., Niewa, R., Chen, P., Klassen, T., Dornheim, M.: New synthesis route for ternary transition metal amides as well as ultrafast amide-hydride hydrogen storage materials. (2016) Chemical Communications, 52 (29), pp. 5100-5103.
• Bergemann, N., Pistidda, C., Milanese, C., Emmler, T., Karimi, F., Chaudhary, A.-L., Chierotti, M.R., Klassen, T., Dornheim, M.: Ca(BH4)2-Mg2NiH4: On the pathway to a Ca(BH4)2 system with a reversible hydrogen cycle. (2016) Chemical Communications, 52 (26), pp. 4836-4839.
• Santoru, A., Garroni, S., Pistidda, C., Milanese, C., Girella, A., Marini, A., Masolo, E., Valentoni, A., Bergemann, N., Le, T.T., Cao, H., Haase, D., Balmes, O., Taube, K., Mulas, G., Enzo, S., Klassen, T., Dornheim, M.: A new potassium-based intermediate and its role in the desorption properties of the K-Mg-N-H system. (2016) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18 (5), pp.
• Cao, H., Richter, T.M.M., Pistidda, C., Chaudhary, A.-L., Santoru, A., Gizer, G., Niewa, R., Chen, P., Klassen, T., Dornheim, M.: Ternary Amides Containing Transition Metals for Hydrogen Storage: A Case Study with Alkali Metal Amidozincates. (2015) ChemSusChem, 8 (22), pp. 3777-3782.
• Cinca, N., List, A., Gärtner, F., Guilemany, J.M., Klassen, T.: Coating formation, fracture mode and cavitation performance of Fe40Al deposited by cold gas spraying. (2015) Surface Engineering, 31 (11), pp. 853-859.
• Suárez-Alcántara, K., Bösenberg, U., Saldan, I., Klassen, T., Dornheim, M.: On the Hydrogenation of a NaH/AlB2 Mixture. (2015) Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119 (40), pp. 22826-22831.
• Chaudhary, A.-L., Li, G., Matsuo, M., Orimo, S.-I., Deledda, S., Sørby, M.H., Hauback, B.C., Pistidda, C., Klassen, T., Dornheim, M.: Simultaneous desorption behavior of M borohydrides and Mg2FeH6 reactive hydride composites (M = Mg, then Li, Na, K, Ca). (2015) Applied Physics Letters, 107 (7), art. no. 073905, .
• Busch, N., Jepsen, J., Pistidda, C., Puszkiel, J.A., Karimi, F., Milanese, C., Tolkiehn, M., Chaudhary, A.-L., Klassen, T., Dornheim, M.: Influence of milling parameters on the sorption properties of the LiH-MgB2 system doped with TiCl3. (2015) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 645 (S1), art. no. 32976, pp. S299-S303.
• Hansen, B.R.S., Møller, K.T., Paskevicius, M., Dippel, A.-C., Walter, P., Webb, C.J., Pistidda, C., Bergemann, N., Dornheim, M., Klassen, T., Jørgensen, J.-E., Jensen, T.R.: In situ X-ray diffraction environments for high-pressure reactions. (2015) Journal of Applied Crystallography, 48, pp. 1234-1241.
• Puszkiel, J.A., Gennari, F.C., Larochette, P.A., Ramallo-López, J.M., Vainio, U., Karimi, F., Pranzas, P.K., Troiani, H., Pistidda, C., Jepsen, J., Tolkiehn, M., Welter, E., Klassen, T., Bellosta Von Colbe, J., Dornheim, M.: Effect of Fe additive on the hydrogenation-dehydrogenation properties of 2LiH + MgB2/2LiBH4 + MgH2 system. (2015) Journal of Power Sources, 284, pp. 606-616.
• Suarez-Alcantara, K., Sørby, M.H., Pistidda, C., Karimi, F., Saldan, I., Hauback, B.C., Klassen, T., Dornheim, M.: Synchrotron diffraction studies of hydrogen absorption/desorption on CaH<inf>2</inf> + MgB<inf>2</inf> Reactive hydride composite mixed with fluorinated compounds. (2015) Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119 (21), pp. 11430-11437.
• Bonatto Minella, C., Garroni, S., Pistidda, C., Baró, M.D., Gutfleisch, O., Klassen, T., Dornheim, M.: Sorption properties and reversibility of Ti(IV) and Nb(V)-fluoride doped-Ca(BH4)2-MgH2 system. (2015) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 622, pp. 989-994.
• Pistidda, C., Santoru, A., Garroni, S., Bergemann, N., Rzeszutek, A., Horstmann, C., Thomas, D., Klassen, T., Dornheim, M.: First direct study of the ammonolysis reaction in the most common alkaline and alkaline earth metal hydrides by in situ SR-PXD. (2015) Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119 (2), pp. 934-943.
• Cinca, N., List, A., Gärtner, F., Guilemany, J.M., Klassen, T.: Influence of spraying parameters on cold gas spraying of iron aluminide intermetallics. (2015) Surface and Coatings Technology, 268, pp. 99-107.
• Vidaller, M.V., List, A., Gaertner, F., Klassen, T., Dosta, S., Guilemany, J.M.: Single Impact Bonding of Cold Sprayed Ti-6Al-4V Powders on Different Substrates. (2015) Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 24 (4), pp. 644-658.
• Bellosta Von Colbe, J.M., Lozano, G., Metz, O., Bücherl, T., Bormann, R., Klassen, T., Dornheim, M.: Design, sorption behaviour and energy management in a sodium alanate-based lightweight hydrogen storage tank. (2015) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40 (7), pp. 2984-2988.
• Borchers, C., Stoltenhoff, T., Hahn, M., Schulze, M., Assadi, H., Suryanarayana, C., Gärtner, F., Klassen, T.: Strain-induced phase transformation of MCrAlY. (2015) Advanced Engineering Materials, 17 (5), pp. 723-731.
• Plerdsranoy, P., Wiset, N., Milanese, C., Laipple, D., Marini, A., Klassen, T., Dornheim, M., Gosalawit-Utke, R.: Improvement of thermal stability and reduction of LiBH4/polymer host interaction of nanoconfined LiBH4 for reversible hydrogen storage. (2015) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40 (1), pp. 392-402.
• Pistidda, C., Bergemann, N., Wurr, J., Rzeszutek, A., Møller, K.T., Hansen, B.R.S., Garroni, S., Horstmann, C., Milanese, C., Girella, A., Metz, O., Taube, K., Jensen, T.R., Thomas, D., Liermann, H.P., Klassen, T., Dornheim, M.: Hydrogen storage systems from waste Mg alloys. (2014) Journal of Power Sources, 270, pp. 554-563.
• Puszkiel, J., Gennari, F.C., Arneodo Larochette, P., Troiani, H.E., Karimi, F., Pistidda, C., Gosalawit-Utke, R., Jepsen, J., Jensen, T.R., Gundlach, C., Tolkiehn, M., Bellosta Von Colbe, J., Klassen, T., Dornheim, M.: Hydrogen storage in Mg-LiBH4 composites catalyzed by FeF 3. (2014) Journal of Power Sources, 267, pp. 799-811.
• Krebs, S., Gaertner, F., Klassen, T.: Cold spraying of Cu-Al-Bronze for cavitation protection in marine environments: Kaltgasspritzen von CuAl-Bronze zum Kavitationsschutz in maritimen Umgebungen. (2014) Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, . Article in Press.
• Gosalawit-Utke, R., Thiangviriya, S., Javadian, P., Laipple, D., Pistidda, C., Bergemann, N., Horstmann, C., Jensen, T.R., Klassen, T., Dornheim, M.: Effective nanoconfinement of 2LiBH4-MgH2 via simply MgH2 premilling for reversible hydrogen storages. (2014) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, . Article in Press.
• Gosalawit-Utke, R., Milanese, C., Javadian, P., Girella, A., Laipple, D., Puszkiel, J., Cattaneo, A.S., Ferrara, C., Wittayakhun, J., Skibsted, Jø., Jensen, T.R., Marini, A., Klassen, T., Dornheim, M.: 2LiBH4-MgH2-0.13TiCl4 confined in nanoporous structure of carbon aerogel scaffold for reversible hydrogen storage. (2014) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 599, pp. 78-86.