Prof. Dr.-Ing. Benjamin Klusemann

Institut für Werkstoffforschung, WerkstoffmechanikMax-Planck-Str. 1
21502 GeesthachtTel. +49 4152/87-2552E-Mail KontaktWebsite
Institut für Produkt- und Prozessinnovation (PPI)Universitätsallee 1
21335 LüneburgTel. +49 4131/677-1892E-Mail KontaktWebsite
- Mikromechanik
- Homogenisierungsmethoden
- Mikrostrukturmodellierung in Metallen
- Modellierung und Simulation des Verformungsverhaltens mittels (Gradienten-)Kristallplastizität
- Mehrskalige Modellierung und Simulation des Materialverhaltens heterogener Materialien
- Modellierung und Simulation des Verformungsverhaltens metallischer Gläser
- Modellierung thermisch gespritzter Beschichtungen
- Prozesssimulation von Umformprozessen unter Berücksichtigung der vorhandenen und sich entwickelnden Anisotropie in industriellen Stahlwerkstoffen
- Entwicklung von numerischen Beschleunigungsverfahren für mehrskalige Materialmodelle zur Anwendung in der Prozesssimulation
- Prozesssimulationen
- Materialmodellierung
- Finite Elemente Methode
- experimentelle Ausstattung für das Rührreibschweißen, Reibpunktschweißen, Reibnieten, Reibauftragschweißen und Reibextrudieren
- weitere experimentelle Ausstattung kann der Webseite der Abteilung Festphase-Fügeprozesse entnommen werden
- Modellierung der dynamischen Rekristallisation beim Rührreibschweißen (Kleinforschungsprojekt Lüneburg)
- LASIMM - Large Additive Subtractive Integrated Modular Machine (EU)
- Prozesssimulation und Optimierung des Laser-Schock-Peenings unter Berücksichtigung der resultierenden Eigenspannungsverteilung (HZG)
- Simulation des Laserstrahlschweißprozesses in Hinblick auf das resultierende Gefüge (HZG)
• Keller, S., Horstmann, M., Kashaev, N., Klusemann, B.: Fatigue crack propagation influenced by laser shock peening introduced residual stress fields in aluminium specimens. (2020) Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pp. 617-631.
• Keller, S., Horstmann, M., Kashaev, N., Klusemann, B.: Crack closure mechanisms in residual stress fields generated by laser shock peening: A combined experimental-numerical approach. (2019) Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 221, art. no. 106630, .
• Froend, M., Ventzke, V., Kashaev, N., Klusemann, B., Enz, J.: Thermal analysis of wire-based direct energy deposition of Al-Mg using different laser irradiances. (2019) Additive Manufacturing, 29, art. no. 100800, .
• Abbaszadeh, M., Hönnige, J.R., Martina, F., Neto, L., Kashaev, N., Colegrove, P., Williams, S., Klusemann, B.: Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Rolling on the Localized Stress and Strain Induction for Wire + Arc Additive Manufactured Structures. (2019) Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 28 (8), pp. 4931-4942.
• Shen, J., Hanke, S., Roos, A., Santos, J.F.D., Klusemann, B.: Fundamental study on additive manufacturing of aluminum alloys by friction surfacing layer deposition. (2019) AIP Conference Proceedings, 2113, art. no. 150015, .
• Abbaszadeh, M., Hönnige, J., Martina, F., Kashaev, N., Williams, S.W., Klusemann, B.: Numerical study of rolling process on the plastic strain distribution in wire + arc additive manufactured Ti-6Al-4V. (2019) AIP Conference Proceedings, 2113, art. no. 150019, .
• Keller, S., Horstmann, M., Kashaev, N., Klusemann, B.: Experimentally validated multi-step simulation strategy to predict the fatigue crack propagation rate in residual stress fields after laser shock peening. (2019) International Journal of Fatigue, 124, pp. 265-276.
• Chupakhin, S., Klusemann, B., Huber, N., Kashaev, N.: Application of design of experiments for laser shock peening process optimization. (2019) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 102 (5-8), pp. 1567-1581.
• Kallien, Z., Keller, S., Ventzke, V., Kashaev, N., Klusemann, B.: Effect of laser peening process parameters and sequences on residual stress profiles. (2019) Metals, 9 (6), art. no. 655, .
• Bock, F.E., Aydin, R.C., Cyron, C.J., Huber, N., Kalidindi, S.R., Klusemann, B.: A review of the application of machine learning and data mining approaches in continuum materials mechanics. (2019) Frontiers in Materials, 6, art. no. 110, .
• Talebi, H., Silani, M., Klusemann, B.: The scaled boundary finite element method for computational homogenization of heterogeneous media. (2019) International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 118 (1), pp. 1-17.
• Raza, S.H., Soyarslan, C., Bargmann, S., Klusemann, B.: Computational modeling of amorphous polymers: A Lagrangian logarithmic strain space formulation of a glass–rubber constitutive model. (2019) Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 344, pp. 887-909.
• Herrnring, J., Staron, P., Kashaev, N., Klusemann, B.: Multiscale process simulation of residual stress fields of laser beam welded precipitation hardened AA6082. (2018) Materialia, 3, pp. 243-255.
• Froend, M., Ventzke, V., Riekehr, S., Kashaev, N., Klusemann, B., Enz, J.: Microstructure and microhardness of wire-based laser metal deposited AA5087 using an Ytterbium fibre laser. (2018) Materials Characterization, 143, pp. 59-67.
• Froend, M., Riekehr, S., Kashaev, N., Klusemann, B., Enz, J.: Process development for wire-based laser metal deposition of 5087 aluminium alloy by using fibre laser. (2018) Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 34, pp. 721-732.
• Bargmann, S., Klusemann, B., Markmann, J., Schnabel, J.E., Schneider, K., Soyarslan, C., Wilmers, J.: Generation of 3D representative volume elements for heterogeneous materials: A review. (2018) Progress in Materials Science, 96, pp. 322-384.
• Kashaev, N., Chupakhin, S., Ventzke, V., Horstmann, M., Riekehr, S., Barbini, A., Dos Santos, J.F., Keller, S., Klusemann, B., Huber, N.: Fatigue Life Extension of AA2024 Specimens and Integral Structures by Laser Shock Peening. (2018) MATEC Web of Conferences, 165, art. no. 18001, .
• Klusemann, B., Bambach, M.: Stability of phase transformation models for Ti-6Al-4V under cyclic thermal loading imposed during laser metal deposition. (2018) AIP Conference Proceedings, 1960, art. no. 140012, .
• Bock, F.E., Froend, M., Herrnring, J., Enz, J., Kashaev, N., Klusemann, B.: Thermal analysis of laser additive manufacturing of aluminium alloys: Experiment and simulation. (2018) AIP Conference Proceedings, 1960, art. no. 140004, .
• Froend, M., Ventzke, V., Riekehr, S., Kashaev, N., Klusemann, B., Enz, J. Microstructure and Microhardness of Wire-based Laser Metal Deposited AA5087 using an Ytterbium Fibre Laser (2018) Materials Characterization, . Article in Press.
• Keller, S., Chupakhin, S., Staron, P., Maawad, E., Kashaev, N., Klusemann, B.: Experimental and numerical investigation of residual stresses in laser shock peened AA2198. (2018) Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 255, pp. 294-307.
• Froend, M., Fomin, F., Riekehr, S., Alvarez, P., Zubiri, F., Bauer, S., Klusemann, B., Kashaev, N.: Fiber laser welding of dissimilar titanium (Ti-6Al-4V/cp-Ti) T-joints and their laser forming process for aircraft application. (2017) Optics and Laser Technology, 96, pp. 123-131.
• Chupakhin, S., Kashaev, N., Klusemann, B., Huber, N.: Artificial neural network for correction of effects of plasticity in equibiaxial residual stress profiles measured by hole drilling. (2017) Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 52 (3), pp. 137-151.
• Klusemann, B., Bargmann, S., Estrin, Y.: Fourth-order strain-gradient phase mixture model for nanocrystalline fcc materials. (2016) Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 24 (8), art. no. 085016.
• Soyarslan, C., Klusemann, B., Bargmann, S.: The effect of yield surface curvature change by cross hardening on forming limit diagrams of sheets. (2016) International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 117, pp. 53-66.
• Schneider, K., Klusemann, B., Bargmann, S.: Automatic three-dimensional geometry and mesh generation of periodic representative volume elements for matrix-inclusion composites. (2016) Advanced in Engineering Software, 99, 177-188.
• Thamburaja, P., Klusemann, B., Adibi, S., Bargmann, S.: The plastic yield and flow behavior in metallic glasses. (2015) Applied Physics Letters, 106 (5), art. no. 051903.
• Klusemann, B., Ortiz, M.: Acceleration of material-dominated calculations via phase-space simplicial subdivision and interpolation. (2015) International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 103 (4), pp. 256-274.
• Soyarslan, C., Klusemann, B., Bargmann, S.: A directional modification of the Levkovitch-Svendsen cross-hardening model based on the stress deviator. (2015) Mechanics of Materials, 86,
2391, pp. 21-30.
• Klusemann, B., Fischer, G., Böhlke, T., Svendsen, B.: Thermomechanical characterization of Portevin-Le Châtelier bands in AlMg3 (AA5754) and modeling based on a modified Estrin-McCormick approach. (2015) International Journal of Plasticity, 67, pp. 192-216.
• Sarac, B., Klusemann, B., Xiao, T., Bargmann, S.: Materials by design: An experimental and computational investigation on the microanatomy arrangement of porous metallic glasses. (2014) Acta Materialia, 77, pp. 411-422.
• Bargmann, S., Reddy, B.D., Klusemann, B.: A computational study of a model of single-crystal strain-gradient viscoplasticity with an interactive hardening relation. (2014) International Journal of Solids and Structures, 51 (15-16), pp. 2754-2764.
• Klusemann, B., Kochmann, D.M.: Microstructural pattern formation in finite-deformation single-slip crystal plasticity under cyclic loading: Relaxation vs. gradient plasticity. (2014) Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 278, pp. 765-793.
• Bargmann, S., Xiao, T., Klusemann, B.: Computational modelling of submicron-sized metallic glasses. (2014) Philosophical Magazine, 94 (1), pp. 1-19.
• Behrouzi, A., Soyarslan, C., Klusemann, B., Bargmann, S.: Inherent and induced anisotropic finite visco-plasticity with applications to the forming of DC06 sheets. (2014) International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 89, pp. 101-111.
• Klusemann, B., Svendsen, B., Vehoff, H.: Modeling and simulation of deformation behavior, orientation gradient development and heterogeneous hardening in thin sheets with coarse texture. (2013) International Journal of Plasticity, 50, pp. 109-126.
• Klusemann, B., Yalçinkaya, T.: Plastic deformation induced microstructure evolution through gradient enhanced crystal plasticity based on a non-convex Helmholtz energy. (2013) International Journal of Plasticity, 48, pp. 168-188.
• Barthel, C., Klusemann, B., Denzer, R., Svendsen, B.: Modeling of a thermomechanical process chain for sheet steels. (2013) International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 74, pp. 46-54.
• Klusemann, B., Yalçinkaya, T., Geers, M.G.D., Svendsen, B.: Application of non-convex rate dependent gradient plasticity to the modeling and simulation of inelastic microstructure development and inhomogeneous material behavior. (2013) Computational Materials Science, 80, pp. 51-60.
• Klusemann, B., Svendsen, B., Bargmann, S.: Analysis and comparison of two finite element algorithms for dislocation density based crystal plasticity. (2013) GAMM Mitteilungen, 36 (2), pp. 219-238.
• Klusemann, B., Bargmann, S., Svendsen, B.: Two models for gradient inelasticity based on non-convex energy. (2012) Computational Materials Science, 64, pp. 96-100.
• Klusemann, B., Böhm, H.J., Svendsen, B.: Homogenization methods for multi-phase elastic composites with non-elliptical reinforcements: Comparisons and benchmarks. (2012) European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids, 34, pp. 21-37.
• Klusemann, B., Svendsen, B.: Homogenization modeling of thin-layer-type microstructures. (2012) International Journal of Solids and Structures, 49 (13), pp. 1828-1838.
• Barthel, C., Klusemann, B., Denzer, R., Clausmeyer, T., Svendsen, B.: Modeling induced flow anisotropy and phase transformations in air hardening steels. (2012) Key Engineering Materials, 504-506, pp. 443-448.