Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Patrick Huber

21073 Hamburg Tel. +49 040/42878-3135E-mail contactWebsite
Experimental physics of condensed matter and material physics of nanostructured hybrid systems:
- Structure, thermodynamics and molecular dynamics in spatially confined geometries
- Structural and dynamic properties of interfaces
- Transport phenomena in nanoporous solids (nanofluidics)
- Functional hybrid systems with soft fillings, especially polymers and liquid crystals in nanoporous solids (actuators, sensors, thermoelectric conversion)
- Synthesis and characterisation of mesoporous silicon
- X-ray and neutron scattering
- X-ray reflectometry
- Dielectric spektroscopy
- Linear and circular optical birefringence
- Dynamic-mechanical analysis
- Hydraulic flow measurements on nanoporous solids
- Equipment for static and dynamic drop shape characterisation
- Gas adsorption measurements (Displex helium cryostat)
- Electrochemical etching cells
- Discotic liquid crystals in nanoprous solids: From structure and dynamics to local charge transport (DFG)
- Polymers in interface-dominated geometries: Structure, dynamics and function in planar and porous hybrid systems (Project B7 in the DFG-funded SFB 986) SFB 689
- Molecular dynamics of ionic liquids in nanoporous carbon
- Read more about our current research
• Jablońska, B., Busch, M., Kityk, A.V., Huber, P.: Natural and chemically modified post-mining clays-structural and surface properties and preliminary tests on copper sorption. (2019) Minerals, 9 (11), art. no. 704, .
• Cencha, L.G., Huber, P., Kappl, M., Floudas, G., Steinhart, M., Berli, C.L.A., Urteaga, R.: Nondestructive high-throughput screening of nanopore geometry in porous membranes by imbibition. (2019) Applied Physics Letters, 115 (11), art. no. 113701, .
• Shchur, Ya., Andrushchak, A.S., Strelchuk, V.V., Nikolenko, A.S., Adamiv, V.T., Andrushchak, N.A., Göring, P., Huber, P., Kityk, A.V.: KH2PO4 + host matrix (Alumina / SiO2) nanocomposite: Raman scattering insight. (2019) International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, 2019-July, art. no. 8840345, .
• Kityk, A.V., Andrushchak, A., Shchur, Y., Adamiv, V.T., Yaremko, O., Lelonek, M., Vitusevich, S.A., Kityk, O., Wielgosz, R., Piecek, W., Busch, M., Sentker, K., Huber, P.: Mesoporous alumina- and silica-based crystalline nanocomposites with tailored anisotropy: Methodology, structure and properties. (2019) International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, 2019-July, art. no. 8840025, .
• Gruener, S., Huber, P.: Capillarity-Driven Oil Flow in Nanopores: Darcy Scale Analysis of Lucas–Washburn Imbibition Dynamics. (2019) Transport in Porous Media, 126 (3), pp. 599-614.
• Gor, G.Y., Huber, P., Weissmüller, J.: Elastocapillarity in nanopores: Sorption strain from the actions of surface tension and surface stress. (2018) Physical Review Materials, 2 (8), art. no. 086002, .
• Kityk, A.V., Huber, P., Andrushchak, A., Kula, P., Piecek, W.: Application of retardation-modulation polarimetry in studies of nanocomposite materials. (2018) 14th International Conference on Advanced Trends in Radioelectronics, Telecommunications and Computer Engineering, TCSET 2018 - Proceedings, 2018-April, pp. 492-496.
• Sentker, K., Zantop, A.W., Lippmann, M., Hofmann, T., Seeck, O.H., Kityk, A.V., Yildirim, A., Schönhals, A., Mazza, M.G., Huber, P.: Quantized Self-Assembly of Discotic Rings in a Liquid Crystal Confined in Nanopores. (2018) Physical Review Letters, 120 (6), art. no. 067801, .
• Busch, M., Kityk, A.V., Piecek, W., Hofmann, T., Wallacher, D., Całus, S., Kula, P., Steinhart, M., Eich, M., Huber, P.: A ferroelectric liquid crystal confined in cylindrical nanopores: Reversible smectic layer buckling, enhanced light rotation and extremely fast electro-optically active Goldstone excitations. (2017) Nanoscale, 9 (48), pp. 19086-19099.
• Jabłońska, B., Kityk, A.V., Busch, M., Huber, P.: The structural and surface properties of natural and modified coal gangue. (2017) Journal of Environmental Management 190, 80-90.
• Gor, G.Y., Huber, P., Bernstein, N.: Adsorption-induced deformation of nanoporous materials - A review. (2017) Applied Physics Reviews 4 (1), 011303.
• Gao, X., Huber, P., Su, Y., Zhao, W., Wang, D.: Two-Step Freezing in Alkane Monolayers on Colloidal Silica Nanoparticles: From a Stretched-Liquid to an Interface-Frozen State. (2016) Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 120 (30), pp. 7522-7528.
• Soprunyuk, V., Schranz, W., Huber, P.: Dynamic mechanical analysis of supercooled water in nanoporous confinement. (2016) EPL, 115 (4), art. no. 46001.
• Całus, S., Busch, M., Kityk, A.V., Piecek, W., Huber, P.: Chiral Phases of a Confined Cholesteric Liquid Crystal: Anchoring-Dependent Helical and Smectic Self-Assembly in Nanochannels. (2016) Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120 (21), pp. 11727-11738.
• Gruener, S., Hermes, H.E., Schillinger, B., Egelhaaf, S.U., Huber, P.: Capillary rise dynamics of liquid hydrocarbons in mesoporous silica as explored by gravimetry, optical and neutron imaging: Nano-rheology and determination of pore size distributions from the shape of imbibition fronts. (2016) Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 496, pp.
• Hofmann, T., Wallacher, D., Perlich, J., Koyiloth Vayalil, S., Huber, P.: Formation of Periodically Arranged Nanobubbles in Mesopores: Capillary Bridge Formation and Cavitation during Sorption and Solidification in an Hierarchical Porous SBA-15 Matrix. (2016) Langmuir, 32 (12), pp. 2928-2936.
• Retamal, M.J., Corrales, T.P., Cisternas, M.A., Moraga, N.H., Diaz, D.I., Catalan, R.E., Seifert, B., Huber, P., Volkmann, U.G.: Surface Morphology of Vapor-Deposited Chitosan: Evidence of Solid-State Dewetting during the Formation of Biopolymer Films. (2016) Biomacromolecules, 17 (3), pp. 1142-1149.
• Gruener, S., Wallacher, D., Greulich, S., Busch, M., Huber, P.: Hydraulic transport across hydrophilic and hydrophobic nanopores: Flow experiments with water and n-hexane. (2016) Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 93 (1), art. no. 013102.
• Moerz, S.T., Huber, P.: PH-Dependent Selective Protein Adsorption into Mesoporous Silica. (2015) Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119 (48), pp. 27072-27079.
• Całus, S., Borowik, L., Kityk, A.V., Eich, M., Busch, M., Huber, P.: Thermotropic interface and core relaxation dynamics of liquid crystals in silica glass nanochannels: A dielectric spectroscopy study. (2015) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17 (34), pp. 22115-22124.
• Całus, S., Kityk, A.V., Borowik, L., Lefort, R., Morineau, D., Krause, C., Schönhals, A., Busch, M., Huber, P.: High-resolution dielectric study reveals pore-size-dependent orientational order of a discotic liquid crystal confined in tubular nanopores. (2015) Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 92 (1).
• Gor, G.Y., Bertinetti, L., Bernstein, N., Hofmann, T., Fratzl, P., Huber, P.: Elastic response of mesoporous silicon to capillary pressures in the pores. (2015) Applied Physics Letters, 106 (26), art. no. 261901.
• Huber, P.: Soft matter in hard confinement: Phase transition thermodynamics, structure, texture, diffusion and flow in nanoporous media. (2015) Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 27 (10), art. no. 103102.