Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Manfred Eich

Institut für WerkstofftechnologieMax-Planck-Straße 1
21502 GeesthachtTel. +49-(0)-4152-87-2542E-mail contactWebsite
Eißendorfer Str. 38(O)
21073 HamburgTel. +49 040/42878-3147E-mail contactWebsite
- Electro-optic modulation
- Trimmable nanophotonic devices
- Dynamic silicon photonics
- Third order nonlinear photonics
- Magneto-optical devices
- High temperature broadband reflectors
- Near-field radiative heat transfer
- Selective absorbers and emitters
- Ray tracing
- Split Step Fourier Method
- Q-switched NdYAG-Laser mit THG gepumptem, optisch parametrischem Oszillator
- Abstimmbare, hoch auflösende Laserquelle im Wellenlängenbereich 1260 nm – 1640 nm
- Femtosekundenlaser (100fsm 100mW, 100 MHZ, 1550 nm)
- ASE Source (40 mW, 100 mW)
- Supercontinuum source (500mW)
- Pump-Probe Aufbau mit abstimmbarer Pulswellenlänge und Pulsdauer beider Pulse
- Automatisches Positioniersystem mit Auflösungsvermögen im nm-Bereich
- Mach-Zehnder Aufbau zur Phasencharakterisierung
- Wellenleiter – Dämpfungsmessplatz, Nah- und Fernfeldanalyse
- Teng-Man Messapparatur
- Lumineszenzmeßplatz
- ATR Spektrometer zur Messung von Brechungsindizes dünner Filmer
- Oberflächenplasmonen Spektrometer
- Mikro-Raman-Spektrometer
- FTIR-Spektrometer
- FTIR-Mikroskop
- UV-Vis-NIR-Spektrometer
- Hoch auflösende optische Spektrum-Analysatoren
- Optischer Monochromator
- Hochfeldpolung mit in-Situ Überwachung der zweiter Harmonischen
- Hochfrequenz-Meßplätze
- Rasterkraftmikroskop
- Apparatur zur Messung von Magnettransporteigenschaften
- Breitbandiges dielektrisches Meßsystem
- InGaAs-NIR-Kamera
- Hochauflösendes digitales S/W Kamarasystem
- Reinraum
- Ultra Reinstwasseranlage
- Spin-Coater
- Vakuumtrockenanlage
- Maskaligner
- Elektronenstrahlverdamper
- Thermischer Verdampfer
- RF- und DC Sputteranlage
- Oberflächenprofilometer
- PECVD-Plasmaanlage
- Zwei-Photonen-Polymerisation, 3D laser lithography
- "Maßgeschneiderte Multiskalige Materialsysteme - M3“ SFB 986
- “Aktive und abstimmbare mikrophotonische Systeme auf Basis von Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI)”
- MaDrix „Verbundprojekt für gedruckte Elektronik“
• Shang, G., Furlan, K.P., Zierold, R., Blick, R.H., Janßen, R., Petrov, A., Eich, M.: Transparency induced in opals via nanometer thick conformal coating. (2019) Scientific Reports, 9 (1), art. no. 11379, .
• Chirumamilla, M., Krishnamurthy, G.V., Knopp, K., Krekeler, T., Graf, M., Jalas, D., Ritter, M., Störmer, M., Petrov, A.Y., Eich, M.: Metamaterial emitter for thermophotovoltaics stable up to 1400 °C. (2019) Scientific Reports, 9 (1), art. no. 7241, .
• do Rosário, J.J., Häntsch, Y., Pasquarelli, R.M., Dyachenko, P.N., Vriend, E., Petrov, A.Y., Furlan, K.P., Eich, M., Schneider, G.A.: Advancing the fabrication of YSZ-inverse photonic glasses for broadband omnidirectional reflector films.(2019) Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 39 (11), pp. 3353-3363.
• Graf, M., Jalas, D., Weissmüller, J., Petrov, A.Y., Eich, M.: Surface-to-Volume Ratio Drives Photoelelectron Injection from Nanoscale Gold into Electrolyte. (2019) ACS Catalysis, 9 (4), pp. 3366-3374.
• Shang, G., Häntsch, Y., Furlan, K.P., Janßen, R., Schneider, G.A., Petrov, A., Eich, M.: Highly selective photonic glass filter for saturated blue structural color. (2019) APL Photonics, 4 (4), art. no. 046101, .
• Gaafar, M.A., Renner, H., Petrov, A.Y., Eich, M.: Linear Schrödinger equation with temporal evolution for front-induced indirect transitions in highly dispersive waveguides. (2019) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 10921, art. no. 109211Z, .
• Häntsch, Y., Shang, G., Petrov, A., Eich, M., Schneider, G.A.: YSZ Hollow Sphere Photonic Glasses: Tailoring Optical Properties for Highly Saturated Non-Iridescent Structural Coloration. (2019) Advanced Optical Materials, art. no. 1900428, .
• Fohrmann, L.S., Lotfi, N., Alzein, B., Gaafar, M.A., Petrov, A.Y.U., Eich, M.: Free-carrier detection in a silicon slab via absorption measurement in 2D integrating cells. (2019) Optics Letters, 44 (1), pp. 175-178.
• Gaafar, M.A., Jalas, D., O'Faolain, L., Li, J., Krauss, T.F., Petrov, A.Y., Eich, M.: Front-induced intraband indirect photonic transition in slow-light waveguide. (2019) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 10921, art. no. 109211Y, .
• Hoffmann, J., Schulz, K.M., Pitruzzello, G., Fohrmann, L.S., Petrov, A.Y., Eich, M.: Backscattering design for a focusing grating coupler with fully etched slots for transverse magnetic modes. (2018) Scientific Reports, 8 (1), art. no. 17746, .
• Gaafar, M.A., Jalas, D., O’Faolain, L., Li, J., Krauss, T.F., Petrov, A.Y., Eich, M.: Erratum to: Reflection from a free carrier front via an intraband indirect photonic transition (Nature Communications. (2018) Nature Communications, 9 (1), art. no. 3393, .
• Gaafar, M.A., Jalas, D., O'Faolain, L., Li, J., Krauss, T.F., Petrov, A.Y., Eich, M.: Reflection from a free carrier front via an intraband indirect photonic transition. (2018) Nature Communications, 9 (1), art. no. 1447, .
• Shang, G., Maiwald, L., Renner, H., Jalas, D., Dosta, M., Heinrich, S., Petrov, A., Eich, M.: Photonic glass for high contrast structural color. (2018) Scientific Reports, 8 (1), art. no. 7804, .
• Jalas, D., Marvin Schulz, K., Petrov, A.Y.U., Eich, M.: Emission enhancement in dielectric nanocomposites. (2018) Optics Express, 26 (13), pp. 16352-16364.
• Maiwald, L., Lang, S., Jalas, D., Renner, H., Petrov, A.Y.U., Eich, M.: Ewald sphere construction for structural colors. (2018) Optics Express, 26 (9), pp. 11352-11365.
• Busch, M., Kityk, A.V., Piecek, W., Hofmann, T., Wallacher, D., Całus, S., Kula, P., Steinhart, M., Eich, M., Huber, P.: A ferroelectric liquid crystal confined in cylindrical nanopores: Reversible smectic layer buckling, enhanced light rotation and extremely fast electro-optically active Goldstone excitations. (2017) Nanoscale, 9 (48), pp. 19086-19099.
• Lang, S., Sharma, G., Molesky, S., Kränzien, P.U., Jalas, T., Jacob, Z., Petrov, A.Y., Eich, M.: Dynamic measurement of near-field radiative heat transfer. (2017) Scientific Reports, 7 (1), art. no. 13916, .
• Gaafar, M.A., Petrov, A.Y., Eich, M.: Free Carrier Front Induced Indirect Photonic Transitions: A New Paradigm for Frequency Manipulation on Chip. (2017) ACS Photonics, 4 (11), pp. 2751-2758.
• Fohrmann, L.S., Sommer, G., Pitruzzello, G., Krauss, T.F., Petrov, A.Y., Eich, M.: 2D integrating cell waveguide platform employing ultra-long optical path lengths. (2017) 14th International Conference on Group IV Photonics, GFP 2017, art. no. 8082231, pp. 131-132.
• Jalas, D., Hakemi, N., Cherchi, M., Harjanne, M., Petrov, A.Y., Eich, M.: Faraday rotation in silicon waveguides. (2017) 14th International Conference on Group IV Photonics, GFP 2017, art. no. 8082236, pp. 141-142.
• Jalas, D., Shao, L.-H., Canchi, R., Okuma, T., Lang, S., Petrov, A., Weissmüller, J., Eich, M.: Electrochemical tuning of the optical properties of nanoporous gold. (2017) Scientific Reports, 7, art. no. 44139, .
• Fohrmann, L.S., Petrov, A.Y., Eich, M.: Resonant single mode thermal emitter based on a silicon waveguide. (2017) Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, Part F52-IPRSN 2017, 3 p.
• Fohrmann, L.S., Sommer, G., Pitruzzello, G., Krauss, T.F., Petrov, A.Y., Eich, M.: Integrating cell on chip - novel waveguide platform employing ultra-long optical paths. (2017) Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, Part F52-IPRSN 2017, 3 p.
• Marvin Schulz, K., Rusche, A.G.C., Hoffmann, J., Luo, J., Petrov, A.Y., Eich, M.: Integrated non-linear waveguide optics for high-efficiency THz sources. (2017) Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, Part F82-CLEO_Europe 2017, 1 p.
• Gaafar, M.A., Jalas, D., O'Faolain, L., Li, J., Krauss, T.F., Petrov, A.Y., Eich, M.: Transmission and reflection from a free carrier front in a silicon slow light waveguide. (2017) Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, Part F83-ACPC 2017, 3 p.
• Dyachenko, P.N., Molesky, S., Petrov, A.Y., Störmer, M., Krekeler, T., Lang, S., Ritter, M., Jacob, Z., Eich, M.: Controlling thermal emission with refractory epsilon-near-zero metamaterials via topological transitions. (2016) Nature Communications, 7, art. no. 11809, .
• Kubrin, R., Pasquarelli, R.M., Waleczek, M., Lee, H.S., Zierold, R., Do Rosário, J.J., Dyachenko, P.N., Montero Moreno, J.M., Petrov, A.Y., Janssen, R., Eich, M., Nielsch, K., Schneider, G.A.: Bottom-up Fabrication of Multilayer Stacks of 3D Photonic Crystals from Titanium Dioxide. (2016) ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 8 (16), pp. 10466-10476.
• Fohrmann, L.S., Petrov, A.Y., Sommer, G., Krauss, T., Eich, M.: Photonic crystal based 2D integrating cell for sensing applications. (2016) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 9885, art. no. 98850X, .
• Dyachenko, P.N., Do Rosário, J.J., Leib, E.W., Petrov, A.Y., Störmer, M., Weller, H., Vossmeyer, T., Schneider, G.A., Eich, M.: Refractory absorber/emitter using monolayer of ceramic microparticles. (2016) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 9885, art. no. 98851K, .
• Fohrmann, L.S., Petrov, A.Yu., Lang, S., Jalas, D., Krauss, T.F., Eich, M.: Single mode thermal emission. (2015) Optics Express, 23 (21), pp. 27672-27682.
• Schlicke, H., Battista, D., Kunze, S., Schröter, C.J., Eich, M., Vossmeyer, T.: Freestanding Membranes of Cross-Linked Gold Nanoparticles: Novel Functional Materials for Electrostatic Actuators. (2015) ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 7 (28), pp. 15123-15128.
• Tschikin, M., Biehs, S.-A., Ben-Abdallah, P., Lang, S., Petrov, A.Y., Eich, M.: Radiative heat flux predictions in hyperbolic metamaterials. (2015) Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 158, pp. 17-26.
• Pasquarelli, R.M., Lee, H.S., Kubrin, R., Zierold, R., Petrov, A.Y., Nielsch, K., Schneider, G.A., Eich, M., Janssen, R.: Enhanced structural and phase stability of titania inverse opals. (2015) Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 35 (11), pp. 3103-3109.
• Jalas, D., Canchi, R., Petrov, A.Yu., Lang, S., Shao, L., Weissmüller, J., Eich, M.: Effective medium model for the spectral properties of nanoporous gold in the visible. (2014) Applied Physics Letters, 105 (24), art. no. 241906, .
• Dyachenko, P.N., Do Rosário, J.J., Leib, E.W., Petrov, A.Y., Kubrin, R., Schneider, G.A., Weller, H., Vossmeyer, T., Eich, M.: Ceramic Photonic Glass for Broadband Omnidirectional Reflection. (2014) ACS Photonics, 1 (11), pp. 1127-1133.
• Prorok, S., Petrov, A., Eich, M., Luo, J., Jen, A.K.-Y.: Modification of a Teng-Man technique to measure both r33and r13electro-optic coefficients. (2014) Applied Physics Letters, 105 (11), art. no. 113302, .
• Do Rosário, J.J., Dyachenko, P.N., Kubrin, R., Pasquarelli, R.M., Petrov, A.Y., Eich, M., Schneider, G.A.: Facile deposition of YSZ-inverse photonic glass films. (2014) ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 6 (15), pp. 12335-12345.
• Lang, S., Tschikin, M., Biehs, S.-A., Petrov, A.Yu., Eich, M.: Large penetration depth of near-field heat flux in hyperbolic media. (2014) Applied Physics Letters, 104 (12), art. no. 121903, .
• Jalas, D., Petrov, A.Yu., Eich, M.: Optical three-port circulators made with ring resonators. (2014) Optics Letters, 39 (6), pp. 1425-1428.
• Evlyukhin, A.B., Eriksen, R.L., Cheng, W., Beermann, J., Reinhardt, C., Petrov, A., Prorok, S., Eich, M., Chichkov, B.N., Bozhevolnyi, S.I.: Optical spectroscopy of single Si nanocylinders with magnetic and electric resonances. (2014) Scientific Reports, 4, art. no. 4126,
• Castellanos Muñoz, M., Petrov, A.Y., O'Faolain, L., Li, J., Krauss, T.F., Eich, M.: Optically induced indirect photonic transitions in a slow light photonic crystal waveguide. (2014) Physical Review Letters, 112 (5), art. no. 053904, .
• Jakobs, S., Petrov, A., Eich, M.: Suppression of stimulated Brillouin scattering in integrated chalcogenide waveguides. (2014) Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 31 (2), pp. 178-188.
• Jalas, D., Petrov, A.Y., Eich, M.: Three port optical circulators with ring resonators. (2014) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 9133, art. no. 913316, .
• Castellanos Muñoz, M., Petrov, A.Y., O'Faolain, L., Li, J., Krauss, T.F., Eich, M.: Indirect transitions of a signal interacting with a moving refractive index front. (2014) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 9136, art. no. 913606, .
• Castellanos Muñoz, M., Petrov, A.Y., O'Faolain, L., Li, J., Krauss, T.F., Eich, M.: Indirect transitions of a signal interacting with a moving refractive index front. (2014) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 9162, art. no. 91621W, .
• Prorok, S., Schulz, M., Petrov, A., Eich, M., Luo, J., Jen, A.K.: Electrical and electro-optic characterization of nonlinear polymer thin films on silicon substrate. (2014) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 9137, art. no. 91371H, .
• Ulchenko, E.A., Jalas, D., Petrov, A.Y., Muñoz, M.C., Lang, S., Eich, M.: Pulse compression and broadening by reflection from a moving front of a photonic crystal. (2014) Optics Express, 22 (11), pp. 13280-13287.
• Fohrmann, L.S., Petrov, A.Yu., Eich, M.: Silicon waveguide based broadband thermal emitter for MIR. (2014) IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics GFP, art. no. 6961982, pp. 185-186.