Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Weißmüller

Institut für Werkstoffforschung, WerkstoffmechanikMax-Planck-Str. 1
21502 GeesthachtTel. +49 4152/87-2648E-mail contactWebsite
21073 HamburgTel. +49 40/42878-3235E-mail contact
Metallische Nanomaterialien mit grenzflächenbestimmtem Verhalten. Schwerpunkte bei mechanischen Eigenschaften sowie bei Thermodynamik und Mechanik von Grenzflächen, sowie mechano-chemisch bzw. mechano-elektrochemisch gekoppelten Phänomenen.
- Elektrochemie
- Metallurgie
- Thermische Analyse
- Röntgenstreuung
- Mechanische Prüfung
- "Maßgeschneiderte Multiskalige Materialsysteme - M3“ SFB 986
- „Nanoporous Gold: A prototype for a rational design of catalysts“ FOR 2213
• Roschning, B., Weissmüller, J.: Stress-charge coupling coefficient for thin-film polypyrrole actuators – Investigation of capacitive ion exchange in the oxidized state. (2019) Electrochimica Acta, 318, pp. 504-512.
• Li, Y., Dinh Ngô, B.-N., Markmann, J., Weissmüller, J.: Topology evolution during coarsening of nanoscale metal network structures. (2019) Physical Review Materials, 3 (7), art. no. 076001, .
• Liu, L.-Z., Mameka, N., Markmann, J., Jin, H.-J., Weissmüller, J.: Surface-driven actuation: Sign reversal under load and surface load-memory effect. (2019) Physical Review Materials, 3 (6), art. no. 066001, .
• Haensch, M., Balboa, L., Graf, M., Silva Olaya, A.R., Weissmüller, J., Wittstock, G.: Mass Transport in Porous Electrodes Studied by Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy: Example of Nanoporous Gold. (2019) ChemElectroChem, 6 (12), pp. 3160-3166.
• Weissmüller, J.: Adsorption–strain coupling at solid surfaces. (2019) Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, pp. 45-53.
• Graf, M., Jalas, D., Weissmüller, J., Petrov, A.Y., Eich, M.: Surface-to-Volume Ratio Drives Photoelelectron Injection from Nanoscale Gold into Electrolyte. (2019) ACS Catalysis, 9 (4), pp. 3366-3374.
• Okulov, I.V., Lamaka, S.V., Wada, T., Yubuta, K., Zheludkevich, M.L., Weissmüller, J., Markmann, J., Kato, H.:
Nanoporous magnesium. (2018) Nano Research, 11 (12), pp. 6428-6435.
• Shi, S., Markmann, J., Weissmüller, J.: Verifying Larché -Cahn elasticity, a milestone of 20th-century thermodynamics. (2018) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115 (43), pp. 10914-10919.
• Lührs, L., Weissmüller, J.: Nanoporous Copper-Nickel – Macroscopic bodies of a strong and deformable nanoporous base metal by dealloying. (2018) Scripta Materialia, 155, pp. 119-123.
• Shi, S., Markmann, J., Weissmüller, J.: Synthesis of uniform bulk nanoporous palladium with tunable structure. (2018) Electrochimica Acta, 285, pp. 60-69.
• Gor, G.Y., Huber, P., Weissmüller, J.: Elastocapillarity in nanopores: Sorption strain from the actions of surface tension and surface stress. (2018) Physical Review Materials, 2 (8), art. no. 086002, .
• Okulov, I.V., Okulov, A.V., Soldatov, I.V., Luthringer, B., Willumeit-Römer, R., Wada, T., Kato, H., Weissmüller, J., Markmann, J.: Open porous dealloying-based biomaterials as a novel biomaterial platform. (2018) Materials Science and Engineering C, 88, pp. 95-103.
• Soyarslan, C., Bargmann, S., Pradas, M., Weissmüller, J.: 3D stochastic bicontinuous microstructures: Generation, topology and elasticity. (2018) Acta Materialia, 149, pp. 326-340.
• Wang, L.C., Zhong, Y., Widmann, D., Weissmüller, J., Behm, R.J.: Oxygen Adsorption and Low-Temperature CO Oxidation on a Nanoporous Au Catalyst: Reaction Mechanism and Foreign Metal Effects. (2018) Topics in Catalysis, 61 (5-6), pp. 446-461.
• Michl, A., Weissmüller, J., Müller, S.: Electrocapillary Coupling at Metal Surfaces from First Principles: On the Impact of Excess Charge on Surface Stress and Relaxation. (2018) Langmuir, 34 (16), pp. 4920-4928.
• Okulov, A.V., Volegov, A.S., Weissmüller, J., Markmann, J., Okulov, I.V.: Dealloying-based metal-polymer composites for biomedical applications. (2018) Scripta Materialia, 146, pp. 290-294.
• Wang, L.C., Zhong, Y., Widmann, D., Weissmüller, J., Behm, R.J.: Oxygen Adsorption and Low-Temperature CO Oxidation on a Nanoporous Au Catalyst: Reaction Mechanism and Foreign Metal Effects. (2018) Topics in Catalysis, pp. 1-16. Article in Press.
• Weissmüller, J., Sieradzki, K.: Dealloyed nanoporous materials with interface-controlled behavior. (2018) MRS Bulletin, 43 (1), pp. 14-19.
• Jin, H.-J., Weissmüller, J., Farkas, D.: Mechanical response of nanoporous metals: A story of size, surface stress, and severed struts. (2018) MRS Bulletin, 43 (1), pp. 35-42.
• Graf, M., Haensch, M., Carstens, J., Wittstock, G., Weissmüller, J.: Electrocatalytic methanol oxidation with nanoporous gold: Microstructure and selectivity. (2017) Nanoscale, 9 (45), pp. 17839-17848.
• Mameka, N., Markmann, J., Weissmüller, J.: On the impact of capillarity for strength at the nanoscale. (2017) Nature Communications, 8 (1), art. no. 176, .
• Juarez, T., Biener, J., Weissmüller, J., Hodge, A.M.: Nanoporous Metals with Structural Hierarchy: A Review. (2017) Advanced Engineering Materials, 19 (12), art. no. 1700389, .
• Lührs, L., Zandersons, B., Huber, N., Weissmüller, J.: Plastic Poisson's Ratio of Nanoporous Metals: A Macroscopic Signature of Tension-Compression Asymmetry at the Nanoscale. (2017) Nano Letters, 17 (10), pp. 6258-6266.
• Krekeler, T., Straßer, A.V., Graf, M., Wang, K., Hartig, C., Ritter, M., Weissmüller, J.: Silver-rich clusters in nanoporous gold. (2017) Materials Research Letters, 5 (5), pp. 314-321.
• Wang, K., Stenner, C., Weissmüller, J.: A nanoporous gold-polypyrrole hybrid nanomaterial for actuation. (2017) Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 248, pp. 622-629.
• Shi, S., Markmann, J., Weissmüller, J.: Actuation by hydrogen electrosorption in hierarchical nanoporous palladium. (2017) Philosophical Magazine, pp. 1-17. Article in Press.
• Ngô, B.-N.D., Roschning, B., Albe, K., Weissmüller, J., Markmann, J.: On the origin of the anomalous compliance of dealloying-derived nanoporous gold. (2017) Scripta Materialia, 130, pp. 74-77.
• Jalas, D., Shao, L.-H., Canchi, R., Okuma, T., Lang, S., Petrov, A., Weissmüller, J., Eich, M.: Electrochemical tuning of the optical properties of nanoporous gold. (2017) Scientific Reports, 7, art. no. 44139, .
• Okulov, I.V., Weissmüller, J., Markmann, J.: Dealloying-based interpenetrating-phase nanocomposites matching the elastic behavior of human bone. (2017) Scientific Reports, 7 (1), art. no. 20, .
• Elsner, B.A.M., Müller, S., Bargmann, S., Weissmüller, J.: Surface excess elasticity of gold: Ab initio coefficients and impact on the effective elastic response of nanowires. (2017) Acta Materialia, 124, pp. 468-477.
• Wang, K., Hartig, C., Blankenburg, M., Müller, M., Günther, R., Weissmüller, J.: Local flow stresses in interpenetrating-phase composites based on nanoporous gold — In situ diffraction. (2017) Scripta Materialia, 127, pp. 151-155.
• Krekeler, T., Straßer, A.V., Graf, M., Wang, K., Hartig, C., Ritter, M., Weissmüller, J.: Silver-rich clusters in nanoporous gold. (2017) Materials Research Letters, pp. 1-8. Article in Press.
• Steyskal, E.-M., Qi, Z., Pölt, P., Albu, M., Weissmüller, J., Würschum, R.: Electrochemically Tunable Resistance of Nanoporous Platinum Produced by Dealloying. (2016) Langmuir, 32 (31),
pp. 7757-7764.
• Stenner, C., Shao, L.-H., Mameka, N., Weissmüller, J.: Piezoelectric Gold: Strong Charge-Load Response in a Metal-Based Hybrid Nanomaterial. (2016) Advanced Functional Materials, 26 (28), pp. 5174-5181.
• Cheng, C., Weissmüller, J., Ngan, A.H.W.: Fast and Reversible Actuation of Metallic Muscles Composed of Nickel Nanowire-Forest. (2016) Advanced Materials, 28 (26), pp. 5315-5321.
• Lührs, L., Soyarslan, C., Markmann, J., Bargmann, S., Weissmüller, J.: Elastic and plastic Poisson's ratios of nanoporous gold. (2016) Scripta Materialia, 110, pp. 65-69.
• N. Mameka, K. Wang, J. Markmann, E.T. Lilleodden and J. Weissmüller, Nanoporous Gold—Testing Macro-scale Samples to Probe Small-scale Mechanical Behavior. (2016) Materials Research Letters 4, 27.
• Steyskal, E.-M., Qi, Z., Pölt, P., Albu, M., Weissmüller, J., Würschum, R.: Electrochemically Tunable Resistance of Nanoporous Platinum Produced by Dealloying. (2016) Langmuir, 32 (31),
pp. 7757-7764.
• Stenner, C., Shao, L.-H., Mameka, N., Weissmüller, J.: Piezoelectric Gold: Strong Charge-Load Response in a Metal-Based Hybrid Nanomaterial. (2016) Advanced Functional Materials, 26 (28), pp. 5174-5181.
• Cheng, C., Weissmüller, J., Ngan, A.H.W.: Fast and Reversible Actuation of Metallic Muscles Composed of Nickel Nanowire-Forest. (2016) Advanced Materials, 28 (26), pp. 5315-5321.
• Lührs, L., Soyarslan, C., Markmann, J., Bargmann, S., Weissmüller, J.: Elastic and plastic Poisson's ratios of nanoporous gold. (2016) Scripta Materialia, 110, pp. 65-69.
• Deng, Q., Gopal, V., Weissmüller, J.: Less Noble or More Noble: How Strain Affects the Binding of Oxygen on Gold. (2015) Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 54 (44), pp. 12981-12985.
• Deng, Q., Gosslar, D.-H., Smetanin, M., Weissmüller, J.: Electrocapillary coupling at rough surfaces. (2015) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17 (17), pp. 11725-11731.
• Qi, Z., Vainio, U., Kornowski, A., Ritter, M., Weller, H., Jin, H., Weissmüller, J.: Porous gold with a nested-network architecture and ultrafine structure. (2015) Advanced Functional Materials, 25 (17), pp. 2530-2536.
• Ngô, B.-N.D., Stukowski, A., Mameka, N., Markmann, J., Albe, K., Weissmüller, J.: Anomalous compliance and early yielding of nanoporous gold. (2015) Acta Materialia, 93, pp. 144-155.
• Jalas, D., Canchi, R., Petrov, A.Yu., Lang, S., Shao, L., Weissmüller, J., Eich, M.: Effective medium model for the spectral properties of nanoporous gold in the visible. (2014) Applied Physics Letters, 105 (24), art. no. 241906.
• Deng, Q., Weissmüller, J.: Electrocapillary coupling during electrosorption. (2014) Langmuir, 30 (34), pp. 10522-10530.
• Mameka, N., Markmann, J., Jin, H.-J., Weissmüller, J.: Electrical stiffness modulation - Confirming the impact of surface excess elasticity on the mechanics of nanomaterials. (2014) Acta
Materialia, 76, pp. 272-280.
• Hoppe, S., Michl, A., Weissmüller, J., Müller, S.: Ab-initio modeling of electromechanical coupling at Si surfaces. (2014) Journal of Applied Physics, 116 (7), art. no. 073507.
• Roy, A., Kundu, S., Müller, K., Rosenauer, A., Singh, S., Pant, P., Gururajan, M.P., Kumar, P., Weissmüller, J., Singh, A.K., Ravishankar, N.: Wrinkling of atomic planes in ultrathin Au nanowires. (2014) Nano Letters, 14 (8), pp. 4859-4866.
• Xue, Y., Markmann, J., Duan, H., Weissmüller, J., Huber, P.: Switchable imbibition in nanoporous gold. (2014) Nature Communications, 5, art. no. 4237.
• Huber, N., Viswanath, R.N., Mameka, N., Markmann, J., Weißmüller, J.: Scaling laws of nanoporous metals under uniaxial compression. (2014) Acta Materialia, 67, pp. 252-265.
• Zhong, Y., Markmann, J., Jin, H.-J., Ivanisenko, Y., Kurmanaeva, L., Weissmüller, J.: Crack mitigation during dealloying of Au25Cu75. (2014) Advanced Engineering Materials, 16 (4), pp. 389-398.
• Deng, Q., Smetanin, M., Weissmüller, J.: Mechanical modulation of reaction rates in electrocatalysis. (2014) Journal of Catalysis, 309, pp. 351-361.