Prof. Dr. Erica T. Lilleodden

Institute of Materials Research, Materials MechanicsMax-Planck-Str. 1
21502 Geesthacht Tel. +49 4152/87-2550E-mail contactWebsite
Research on deformation, damage and failure behavior of metallic materials resulting from quasistatic and cyclic mechanical loading conditions.
- Hardness testing machine
- Dualbeam SEM / FIB
- Nano Indenter
- Atomic Force Microscope
- Micromechanical investigations of structural alloys
- Determination of material parameters for component characterisation via indentation instrumentation testing
- SFB 986, projects B4 and B8
• Maghsoudi, M., Ziehmer, M., Lilleodden, E.T.: Detwinning-mediated hardening in Mg: A microcompression study of a single twin boundary. (2020) Materials Science and Engineering A, 772, art. no. 138747, .
• Ovri, H., Lilleodden, E.T.: On the Estimation of Thermal Activation Parameters for Portevin–Le Chatelier Effect from Nanoindentation Data. (2019) JOM, 71 (10), pp. 3343-3349.
• Hablitzel, M.P., Lilleodden, E.T.: On measuring the independent mechanical response of the polymer phase from nanoporous gold polymer composites. (2019) Scripta Materialia, 170, pp. 67-70.
• Ovri, H., Steglich, D., Dieringa, H., Lilleodden, E.T.: Grain-scale investigation of the anisotropy of Portevin-Le Chatelier effect in Mg AZ91 alloy. (2019) Materials Science and Engineering A, 740-741, pp. 226-234.
• Larsson, E., Gürsoy, D., De Carlo, F., Lilleodden, E., Storm, M., Wilde, F., Hu, K., Müller, M., Greving, I.: Nanoporous gold: a hierarchical and multiscale 3D test pattern for characterizing X-ray nano-tomography systems. (2019) Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 26 (1), pp. 194-204.
• Wang, L., Huang, Z., Wang, H., Maldar, A., Yi, S., Park, J.-S., Kenesei, P., Lilleodden, E., Zeng, X.: Study of slip activity in a Mg-Y alloy by in situ high energy X-ray diffraction microscopy and elastic viscoplastic self-consistent modeling. (2018) Acta Materialia, 155, pp. 138-152.
• Guglielmi, P.O., Ziehmer, M., Lilleodden, E.T.: On a novel strain indicator based on uncorrelated misorientation angles for correlating dislocation density to local strength. (2018) Acta Materialia, 150, pp. 195-205.
• Lilleodden, E.T., Voorhees, P.W.: On the topological, morphological, and microstructural characterization of nanoporous metals. (2018) MRS Bulletin, 43 (1), pp. 20-26.
• Mallmann, C., Simar, A., Ferrié, E., Fivel, M., Lilleodden, E.T.: Influence of Y2O3 nanoparticles on the twinning of single crystalline magnesium. (2017) Scripta Materialia, 138, pp. 79-82.
• Ovri, H., Lilleodden, E.T.: Temperature dependence of plastic instability in Al alloys: A nanoindentation study. (2017) Materials and Design, 125, pp. 69-75.
• do Rosário, J.J., Berger, J.B., Lilleodden, E.T., McMeeking, R.M., Schneider, G.A.: The stiffness and strength of metamaterials based on the inverse opal architecture. (2017) Extreme Mechanics Letters, 12, pp. 86-96.
• Hu, K., Ziehmer, M., Wang, K., Lilleodden, E.T.: Nanoporous gold: 3D structural analyses of representative volumes and their implications on scaling relations of mechanical behaviour. (2016) Philosophical Magazine, 96 (32-34), pp. 3322-3335.
• Ziehmer, M., Hu, K., Wang, K., Lilleodden, E.T.: A principle curvatures analysis of the isothermal evolution of nanoporous gold: Quantifying the characteristic length-scales. (2016) Acta Materialia, 120, pp. 24-31.
• Schnoor, T.I.W., Vainio, U., Shao, L.-H., Lilleodden, E.T., Müller, M., Schreyer, A., Schulte, K., Fiedler, B.: Nanostructured MWCNT/Polypyrrole Actuators with Anisotropic Strain Response. (2016) Advanced Engineering Materials, 18 (4), pp. 597-607.
• do Rosário, J.J., Berger, J.B., Lilleodden, E.T., McMeeking, R.M., Schneider, G.A.: The stiffness and strength of metamaterials based on the inverse opal architecture. (2016) Extreme Mechanics Letters, . Article in Press.
• Wang, L., Sabisch, J., Lilleodden, E.T.: Kink formation and concomitant twin nucleation in Mg-Y. (2016) Scripta Materialia, 111, pp. 68-71.
• Ovri, H., Jägle, E.A., Stark, A., Lilleodden, E.T.: Microstructural influences on strengthening in a naturally aged and overaged Al-Cu-Li-Mg based alloy. (2015) Materials Science and Engineering A, 637, pp. 162-169.
• Guglielmi, P.O., Herbert, E.G., Tartivel, L., Behl, M., Lendlein, A., Huber, N., Lilleodden, E.T.: Mechanical characterization of oligo(ethylene glycol)-based hydrogels by dynamic nanoindentation experiments. (2015) Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 46, pp. 1-10.
• Ovri, H., Lilleodden, E.T.: New insights into plastic instability in precipitation strengthened Al-Li alloys. (2015) Acta Materialia, 89, pp. 88-97.
• Vainio, U., Schnoor, T.I.W., Koyiloth Vayalil, S., Schulte, K., Müller, M., Lilleodden, E.T.: Orientation distribution of vertically aligned multiwalled carbon nanotubes. (2014) Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 118 (18), pp. 9507-9513.
• Hütsch, J., Lilleodden, E.T.: The influence of focused-ion beam preparation technique on microcompression investigations: Lathe vs. annular milling. (2014) Scripta Materialia, 77, pp. 49-51.
• Kupka, D., Huber, N., Lilleodden, E.T.: A combined experimental-numerical approach for elasto-plastic fracture of individual grain boundaries. (2014) Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 64 (1), pp. 455-467.
• Husser, E., Lilleodden, E., Bargmann, S.: Computational modeling of intrinsically induced strain gradients during compression of c-axis-oriented magnesium single crystal. (2014) Acta Materialia, 71, pp. 206-219.