Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Heinrich

21073 HamburgTel. +49 040/42878-3750E-mail contact
Der Schwerpunkt der Forschung liegt im Bereich der Wirbelschichttechnik und ihrer industriellen Anwendung. Anwendungsfelder, die am Institut untersucht werden, sind sowohl physikalische Prozesse wie Granulation und Trocknung als auch chemische Prozesse und die Anwendung in der Energietechnik. Weitere Arbeitsgebiete sind die Fließschemasimulation von Feststoffprozesen sowie die Simulation von Gas- / Feststoffströmungen.
- "Maßgeschneiderte Multiskalige Materialsysteme - M3" SFB 986, Teilprojekt A3
- Analysis of the structure-property relationships of amorphous food powders in a fluidized bed agglomeration process - Nestlé©
- Bio-particle simulation of fluid dynamics for the design of micro-devices - BMBF
- Characterization of the fluid dynamics and discrete particle modelling of a novel spouted bed apparatus - DFG / STW
- Chemical Looping Combustion von Kohle zur CO2-Abscheidung in atmosphärischen Wirbelschichtreaktoren für einen Dampfkraftprozess COORETEC - BMWi
- Dynamische Fließschema Simulation komplexer Feststoffprozesse - ZIM
- Energetische Optimierung der Lignin-Pyrolyse zur Gewinnung von Aromaten Bioraffinerie 2021 - BMBF
- Entwicklung einer modellgestützten Strategie für die Optimierung des Wirbelschicht-Sprühgranulationsprozesses - BMBF Deutschland/MBF Ukraine
- Entwicklung einer Systematik zur Auslegung von Rotoragglomerationsprozessen - ZIM
- Entwicklung eines Diskrete-Elemente-Modelles für die Beschreibung der Agglomerations- und Bruchvorgänge von Partikelsystemen Pro3
- Influence of the material and process parameters on the agglomeration behaviour of food products in fluidized beds - Nestlé©
- Mechanische Wechselwirkungen feindisperser Feststoffpartikel auf Basis von experimentell kalibrierten Kontaktmodellen DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm "Partikeln im Kontakt"
- Modeling and Simulation of Bauxite Beneficiation Process using SolidSim Hydro Aluminium As / TUHH / Higher Education Comission Pakistan
- Modellierung eines kontinuierlichen Wirbelschichttrockners Aleppo University / Syrien
- Novel Hierarchical ceramic/metal/polymer composites with extremely small amounts of polymers
• Buck, B., Heinrich, S.: Collision dynamics of wet particles: Comparison of literature models to new experiments. (2019) Advanced Powder Technology, 30 (12), pp. 3241-3252.
• Pietsch, S., Peter, A., Wahl, P., Khinast, J., Heinrich, S.: Measurement of granule layer thickness in a spouted bed coating process via optical coherence tomography. (2019) Powder Technology, 356, pp. 139-147.
• Flach, F., Fries, L., Kammerhofer, J., Hesselbach, J., Finke, B., Schilde, C., Niederreiter, G., Palzer, S., Heinrich, S., Kwade, A.: Optimization of aqueous microgrinding processes for fibrous plant materials. (2019) Advanced Powder Technology, 30 (11), pp. 2823-2831.
• Diez, E., Kieckhefen, P., Meyer, K., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E., Heinrich, S.: Particle dynamics in a multi-staged fluidized bed: Particle transport behavior on micro-scale by discrete particle modelling. (2019) Advanced Powder Technology, 30 (10), pp. 2014-2031.
• Neugebauer, C., Diez, E., Bück, A., Palis, S., Heinrich, S., Kienle, A.: On the dynamics and control of continuous fluidized bed layering granulation with screen-mill-cycle. (2019) Powder Technology, 354, pp. 765-778.
• Lichtenegger, T., Kieckhefen, P., Heinrich, S., Pirker, S.: Dynamics and long-time behavior of gas–solid flows on recurrent-transient backgrounds. (2019) Chemical Engineering Journal, pp. 562-577.
• Skorych, V., Dosta, M., Hartge, E.-U., Heinrich, S., Ahrens, R., Le Borne, S.: Investigation of an FFT-based solver applied to dynamic flowsheet simulation of agglomeration processes. (2019) Advanced Powder Technology, 30 (3), pp. 555-564.
• Eichner, E., Fischer, P.-K., Heinrich, S., Schneider, G.A.: Production of composites with high relative permittivity using the spouted bed technique. (2019) Particuology, 42, pp. 184-189.
• Kieckhefen, P., Lichtenegger, T., Pietsch, S., Pirker, S., Heinrich, S.: Simulation of spray coating in a spouted bed using recurrence CFD. (2019) Particuology, 42, pp. 92-103.
• Goslinska, M., Selmer, I., Kleemann, C., Kulozik, U., Smirnova, I., Heinrich, S.: Novel technique for measurement of coating layer thickness of fine and porous particles using focused ion beam. (2019) Particuology, 42, pp. 190-198.
• Pietsch, S., Poppinga, F.O., Heinrich, S., Müller, M., Schönherr, M., Kleine Jäger, F.: A novel method of quantifying the coating progress in a three-dimensional prismatic spouted bed. (2019) Particuology, 42, pp. 137-145.
• Depta, P.N., Jandt, U., Dosta, M., Zeng, A.-P., Heinrich, S.: Toward Multiscale Modeling of Proteins and Bioagglomerates: An Orientation-Sensitive Diffusion Model for the Integration of Molecular Dynamics and the Discrete Element Method. (2019) Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 59 (1), pp. 386-398.
• Haus, J., Goltzsche, M., Hartge, E.-U., Heinrich, S., Werther, J.: Gasification kinetics of lignite char in a fluidized bed of reactive oxygen carrier particles. (2019) Fuel, 236, pp. 166-178.
• Shang, G., Maiwald, L., Renner, H., Jalas, D., Dosta, M., Heinrich, S., Petrov, A., Eich, M.: Photonic glass for high contrast structural color. (2018) Scientific Reports, 8 (1), art. no. 7804, .
• Pietsch, S., Kieckhefen, P., Müller, M., Schönherr, M., Kleine Jäger, F., Heinrich, S.: Novel production method of tracer particles for residence time measurements in gas-solid processes. (2018) Powder Technology, 338, pp. 1-6.
• Buck, B., Tang, Y., Deen, N.G., Kuipers, J.A.M., Heinrich, S.: Dynamics of wet particle–wall collisions: Influence of wetting condition. (2018) Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 135, pp. 21-29.
• Dosta, M., Bröckel, U., Gilson, L., Kozhar, S., Auernhammer, G.K., Heinrich, S.: Application of micro computed tomography for adjustment of model parameters for discrete element method. (2018) Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 135, pp. 121-128.
• Haus, J., Hartge, E.-U., Heinrich, S., Werther, J.: Dynamic flowsheet simulation for chemical looping combustion of methane. (2018) International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 72, pp. 26-37.
• Kieckhefen, P., Pietsch, S., Höfert, M., Schönherr, M., Heinrich, S., Kleine Jäger, F.: Influence of gas inflow modelling on CFD-DEM simulations of three-dimensional prismatic spouted beds. (2018) Powder Technology, 329, pp. 167-180.
• Pietsch, S., Kieckhefen, P., Heinrich, S., Müller, M., Schönherr, M., Kleine Jäger, F.: CFD-DEM modelling of circulation frequencies and residence times in a prismatic spouted bed. (2018) Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 132, pp. 1105-1116.
• Buck, B., Lunewski, J., Tang, Y., Deen, N.G., Kuipers, J.A.M., Heinrich, S.: Numerical investigation of collision dynamics of wet particles via force balance. (2018) Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 132, pp. 1143-1159.
• Kammerhofer, J., Fries, L., Dupas, J., Forny, L., Heinrich, S., Palzer, S.: Impact of hydrophobic surfaces on capillary wetting. (2018) Powder Technology, 328, pp. 367-374.
• Song, T., Hartge, E.-U., Heinrich, S., Shen, L., Werther, J.: Chemical looping combustion of high sodium lignite in the fluidized bed: Combustion performance and sodium transfer. (2018) International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 70, pp. 22-31.
• Tang, Y., Kuipers, J.A.M.H., Buck, B., Heinrich, S., Deen, N.G.: Interface-resolved simulations of normal collisions of spheres on a wet surface. (2017) AIChE Journal, 63 (11), pp. 4774-4787.
• Weber, M., Spettl, A., Dosta, M., Heinrich, S., Schmidt, V.: Simulation-based investigation of core-shell agglomerates: Influence of spatial heterogeneity in particle sizes on breakage characteristics. (2017) Computational Materials Science, 137, pp. 100-106.
• McGuire, A.D., Lee, K.F., Dosta, M., Mosbach, S., Rosenboom, J.-G., Heinrich, S., Kraft, M.: Compartmental residence time estimation in batch granulators using a colourimetric image analysis algorithm and Discrete Element Modelling. (2017) Advanced Powder Technology, 28 (9), pp. 2239-2255.
• Georgopanos, P., Eichner, E., Filiz, V., Handge, U.A., Schneider, G.A., Heinrich, S., Abetz, V.: Improvement of mechanical properties by a polydopamine interface in highly filled hierarchical composites of titanium dioxide particles and poly(vinyl butyral). (2017) Composites Science and Technology, 146, pp. 73-82.
• Haus, J., Hartge, E.-U., Heinrich, S., Werther, J.: Dynamic flowsheet simulation of gas and solids flows in a system of coupled fluidized bed reactors for chemical looping combustion. (2017) Powder Technology, 316, pp. 628-640.
• Eichner, E., Salikov, V., Bassen, P., Heinrich, S., Schneider, G.A.: Using dilute spouting for fabrication of highly filled metal-polymer composite materials. (2017) Powder Technology, 316, pp. 426-433.
• Buck, B., Tang, Y., Heinrich, S., Deen, N.G., Kuipers, J.A.M.: Collision dynamics of wet solids: Rebound and rotation. (2017) Powder Technology, 316, pp. 218-224.
• Pietsch, S., Heinrich, S., Karpinski, K., Müller, M., Schönherr, M., Kleine Jäger, F.: CFD-DEM modeling of a three-dimensional prismatic spouted bed. (2017) Powder Technology, 316, pp. 245-255.
• Eichner, E., Dosta, M., Heinrich, S., Schneider, G.A.: Fabrication of composites via spouted bed granulation process and simulation of their micromechanical properties. (2017) EPJ Web of Conferences, 140, art. no. 13005, .
• Dosta, M., Besler, R., Ziehdorn, C., Janßen, R., Heinrich, S.: Approximation of mechanical properties of sintered materials with discrete element method. (2017) EPJ Web of Conferences, 140, art. no. 15022, .
• Skorych, V., Dosta, M., Hartge, E.-U., Heinrich, S.: Novel system for dynamic flowsheet simulation of solids processes. (2017) Powder Technology, 314, pp. 665-679.
• Neugebauer, C., Palis, S., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E., Heinrich, S., Kienle, A.: A dynamic two-zone model of continuous fluidized bed layering granulation with internal product classification. (2017) Particuology, 31, pp. 8-14.
• Kaur, G., Kumar, J., Heinrich, S.: A weighted finite volume scheme for multivariate aggregation population balance equation. (2017) Computers and Chemical Engineering, 101, pp. 1-10.
• Neugebauer, C., Palis, S., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E., Heinrich, S., Kienle, A.: A dynamic two-zone model of continuous fluidized bed layering granulation with internal product classification. (2017) Particuology, 31, pp. 8-14.
• Eckhard, S., Fries, M., Antonyuk, S., Heinrich, S.: Dependencies between internal structure and mechanical properties of spray dried granules – Experimental study and DEM simulation. (2017) Advanced Powder Technology, 28 (1), pp. 185-196.
• Haus, J., Lyu, K., Hartge, E.-U., Heinrich, S., Werther, J.: Analysis of a Two-Stage Fuel Reactor System for the Chemical-Looping Combustion of Lignite and Bituminous Coal. (2016) Energy Technology, 4 (10), pp. 1263-1273.
• Dosta, M., Dale, S., Antonyuk, S., Wassgren, C., Heinrich, S., Litster, J.D.: Numerical and experimental analysis of influence of granule microstructure on its compression breakage. (2016) Powder Technology, 299, pp. 87-97.
• Crüger, B., Salikov, V., Heinrich, S., Antonyuk, S., Sutkar, V.S., Deen, N.G., Kuipers, J.A.M.: Coefficient of restitution for particles impacting on wet surfaces: An improved experimental approach. (2016) Particuology, 25, pp. 1-9.
• Reinke, S.K., Wilde, F., Kozhar, S., Beckmann, F., Vieira, J., Heinrich, S., Palzer, S.: Synchrotron X-Ray microtomography reveals interior microstructure of multicomponent food materials such as chocolate. (2016) Journal of Food Engineering, 174, pp. 37-46.
• Dreyschultze, C., Neugebauer, C., Palis, S., Bück, A., Tsotsas, E., Heinrich, S., Kienle, A.: Influence of zone formation on stability of continuous fluidized bed layering granulation with external product classification. (2015) Particuology, 23, pp. 1-7.
• Aman, S., Mueller, P., Tomas, J., Kozhar, S., Dosta, M., Heinrich, S., Antonyuk, S.: Combined viscoelastic and elastic wave dissipation mechanism at low velocity impact. (2015) Advanced Powder Technology, . Article in Press.
• Besler, R., Rossetti Da Silva, M., Do Rosario, J.J., Dosta, M., Heinrich, S., Janssen, R.: Sintering Simulation of Periodic Macro Porous Alumina. (2015) Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 98 (11), pp. 3496-3502.
• Besler, R., Silva, M.R.D., Dosta, M., Heinrich, S., Janssen, R.: Discrete element simulation of metal ceramic composite materials with varying metal content. (2015) Journal of the European Ceramic Society. Article in Press.
• Reinke, S.K., Hauf, K., Vieira, J., Heinrich, S., Palzer, S.: Changes in contact angle providing evidence for surface alteration in multi-component solid foods. (2015) Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 48 (46), art. no. 464001.
• Porowska, A., Dosta, M., Fries, L., Gianfrancesco, A., Heinrich, S., Palzer, S.: Predicting the surface composition of a spray-dried particle by modelling component reorganization in a drying droplet. (2015) Chemical Engineering Research and Design. Article in Press.
• Bück, A., Neugebauer, C., Meyer, K., Palis, S., Diez, E., Kienle, A., Heinrich, S., Tsotsas, E.: Influence of operation parameters on process stability in continuous fluidised bed layering with external product classification. (2015) Powder Technology. Article in Press.
• Porowska, A., Dosta, M., Heinrich, S., Fries, L., Gianfrancesco, A., Palzer, S.: Influence of feed composition and drying parameters on the surface composition of a spray-dried multicomponent particle. (2015) Drying Technology, 33 (15-16), pp. 1911-1919.
• Reinke, S.K., Roth, S.V., Santoro, G., Vieira, J., Heinrich, S., Palzer, S.: Tracking structural changes in lipid-based multicomponent food materials due to oil migration by microfocus small-angle X-ray scattering. (2015) ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 7 (18), pp. 9929-9936.
• Selmer, I., Kleemann, C., Kulozik, U., Heinrich, S., Smirnova, I.: Development of egg white protein aerogels as new matrix material for microencapsulation in food. (2015) Journal of Supercritical Fluids, . Article in Press.
• Sutkar, V.S., Deen, N.G., Patil, A.V., Peters, E.A.J.F., Kuipers, J.A.M., Salikov, V., Antonyuk, S., Heinrich, S.: Experimental study of hydrodynamics and thermal behavior of a pseudo-2D spout-fluidized bed with liquid injection. (2015) AIChE Journal, 61 (4), pp. 1146-1159.
• Sutkar, V.S., Deen, N.G., Salikov, V., Antonyuk, S., Heinrich, S., Kuipers, J.A.M.: Experimental and numerical investigations of a pseudo-2D spout fluidized bed with draft plates. (2015) Powder Technology, 270 (PB), pp. 537-547.
• Kozhar, S., Dosta, M., Antonyuk, S., Heinrich, S., Bröckel, U.: DEM simulations of amorphous irregular shaped micrometer-sized titania agglomerates at compression. (2015) Advanced Powder Technology, 26 (3), pp. 767-777.
• Sutkar, V.S., Deen, N.G., Padding, J.T., Kuipers, J.A.M., Salikov, V., Crüger, B., Antonyuk, S., Heinrich, S.: A novel approach to determine wet restitution coefficients through a unified correlation and energy analysis. (2015) AIChE Journal, 61 (3), pp. 769-779.
• Schnegas, S., Salikov, V., Antonyuk, S., Heinrich, S., Rajabi, N., Müller, J.: Fluid paths inside a spiral-shaped microchannel: a CFD study with discussion about possible Chinese hamster ovary cell trajectories. (2015) Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 18 (4), pp. 685-694.
• Besler, R., Rossetti da Silva, M., do Rosario, J.J., Dosta, M., Heinrich, S., Janssen, R.: Sintering Simulation of Periodic Macro Porous Alumina. (2015) Journal of the American Ceramic Society, . Article in Press.
• Salikov, V., Heinrich, S., Antonyuk, S., Sutkar, V.S., Deen, N.G., Kuipers, J.A.M.: Investigations on the spouting stability in a prismatic spouted bed and apparatus optimization. (2015) Advanced Powder Technology, 26 (3), pp. 718-733.
• Spettl, A., Dosta, M., Antonyuk, S., Heinrich, S., Schmidt, V.: Statistical investigation of agglomerate breakage based on combined stochastic microstructure modeling and DEM simulations. (2015) Advanced Powder Technology, 26 (3), pp. 1021-1030.
• Salikov, V., Antonyuk, S., Heinrich, S., Sutkar, V.S., Deen, N.G., Kuipers, J.A.M.: Characterization and CFD-DEM modelling of a prismatic spouted bed. (2015) Powder Technology, 270 (PB), pp. 622-636.