Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gerold Schneider

21073 HamburgTel. +49 40/42878-3037E-mail contactWebsite
- Nano-Indenter Agilent
- ATM polishing machine
- CCD system
- Thermogravimetry
- Ion milling (TEM)
- Polishing systems
- Langmuir-Blogett system
- X-ray diffraction
- 3D surface analysis
- several presses
- Mastersizer
- High throughput pulver dosing
- BET surface analyzer
- AFM-Hysitron
- Karl-Fischer-Titration
- High-performance cluster
- "Tailor-made multiscale materials systems - M3" SFB 986
- Investigation of the deformation and fracture behaviour of the hierarchical levels of tooth enamel
- Analysis of dielectric breakdown mechanisms in ceramic materials
• Domènech, B., Kampferbeck, M., Larsson, E., Krekeler, T., Bor, B., Giuntini, D., Blankenburg, M., Ritter, M., Müller, M., Vossmeyer, T., Weller, H., Schneider, G.A.: Hierarchical supercrystalline nanocomposites through the self-assembly of organically-modified ceramic nanoparticles. (2019) Scientific Reports, 9 (1), art. no. 3435, .
• Domènech, B., Plunkett, A., Kampferbeck, M., Blankenburg, M., Bor, B., Giuntini, D., Krekeler, T., Wagstaffe, M., Noei, H., Stierle, A., Ritter, M., Müller, M., Vossmeyer, T., Weller, H., Schneider, G.A.: Modulating the Mechanical Properties of Supercrystalline Nanocomposite Materials via Solvent-Ligand Interactions. (2019) Langmuir, 35 (43), pp. 13893-13903.
• Häntsch, Y., Shang, G., Petrov, A., Eich, M., Schneider, G.A.: YSZ Hollow Sphere Photonic Glasses: Tailoring Optical Properties for Highly Saturated Non-Iridescent Structural Coloration. (2019) Advanced Optical Materials, 7 (18), art. no. 1900428, .
• do Rosário, J.J., Häntsch, Y., Pasquarelli, R.M., Dyachenko, P.N., Vriend, E., Petrov, A.Y., Furlan, K.P., Eich, M., Schneider, G.A.: Advancing the fabrication of YSZ-inverse photonic glasses for broadband omnidirectional reflector films. (2019) Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 39 (11), pp. 3353-3363.
• Bor, B., Giuntini, D., Domènech, B., Swain, M.V., Schneider, G.A.: Nanoindentation-based study of the mechanical behavior of bulk supercrystalline ceramic-organic nanocomposites. (2019) Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 39 (10), pp. 3247-3256.
• Lugovy, M., Orlovskaya, N., Neumann, M., Aneziris, C.G., Jelitto, H., Schneider, G.A., Kuebler, J.: Room temperature R-curve and stable crack growth behaviour of ZrB 2 –SiC ceramic composites. (2019) Advances in Applied Ceramics, 118 (4), pp. 169-182.
• Neumann, M., Gehre, P., Kuebler, J., Dadivanyan, N., Jelitto, H., Schneider, G.A., Aneziris, C.G.: Stable crack propagation in free standing thermal sprayed Al 2 O 3 and Al 2 O 3 [sbnd]ZrO 2 [sbnd]TiO 2 coatings. (2019) Ceramics International, 45 (7), pp. 8761-8766.
• Jelitto, H., Schneider, G.A.: Fracture toughness of porous materials – Experimental methods and data. (2019) Data in Brief, 23, art. no. 103709, .
• Shang, G., Häntsch, Y., Furlan, K.P., Janßen, R., Schneider, G.A., Petrov, A., Eich, M.: Highly selective photonic glass filter for saturated blue structural color. (2019) APL Photonics, 4 (4), art. no. 046101, .
• Eichner, E., Fischer, P.-K., Heinrich, S., Schneider, G.A.: Production of composites with high relative permittivity using the spouted bed technique. (2019) Particuology, 42, pp. 184-189.
• Häntsch, Y., Shang, G., Petrov, A., Eich, M., Schneider, G.A.: YSZ Hollow Sphere Photonic Glasses: Tailoring Optical Properties for Highly Saturated Non-Iridescent Structural Coloration. (2019) Advanced Optical Materials, art. no. 1900428, .
• Furlan, K.P., Larsson, E., Diaz, A., Holler, M., Krekeler, T., Ritter, M., Petrov, A.Y., Eich, M., Blick, R., Schneider, G.A., Greving, I., Zierold, R., Janßen, R.: Dataset of ptychographic X-ray computed tomography of inverse opal photonic crystals produced by atomic layer deposition. (2018) Data in Brief, 21, pp. 1924-1936.
• Furlan, K.P., Larsson, E., Diaz, A., Holler, M., Krekeler, T., Ritter, M., Petrov, A.Y., Eich, M., Blick, R., Schneider, G.A., Greving, I., Zierold, R., Janßen, R.: Photonic materials for high-temperature applications: Synthesis and characterization by X-ray ptychographic tomography. (2018) Applied Materials Today, 13, pp. 359-369.
• Eichner, E., Heinrich, S., Schneider, G.A.: Influence of particle shape and size on mechanical properties in copper-polymer composites. (2018) Powder Technology, 339, pp. 39-45.
• Fischer, P.-K., Schneider, G.A.: Dielectric breakdown toughness from filament induced dielectric breakdown in borosilicate glass. (2018) Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 38 (13), pp. 4476-4482.
• Yilmaz, E.D., Koldehoff, J., Schneider, G.A.: On the systematic documentation of the structural characteristics of bovine enamel: A critic to the protein sheath concept. (2018) Dental Materials, 34 (10), pp. 1518-1530.
• Jelitto, H., Schneider, G.A.: A geometric model for the fracture toughness of porous materials. (2018) Acta Materialia, 151, pp. 443-453.
• Livanov, K., Jelitto, H., Schneider, G.A., Wagner, H.D.: The role of carbon and tungsten disulphide nanotubes in the fracture of polymer-interlayered ceramic composites: a microscopy study. (2018) Journal of Materials Science, 53 (8), pp. 5879-5890.
• Lugovy, M., Orlovskaya, N., Slyunyayev, V., Mitrentsis, E., Neumann, M., Aneziris, C.G., Jelitto, H., Schneider, G.A., Kuebler, J.: Comparative study of static and cyclic fatigue of ZrB2-SiC ceramic composites. (2018) Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 38 (4), pp. 1128-1135.
• Özcoban, H., Yilmaz, E.D., Schneider, G.A.: Hierarchical microcrack model for materials exemplified at enamel. (2018) Dental Materials, 34 (1), pp. 69-77.
• Ma, S., Scheider, I., Yilmaz, E.D., Schneider, G.A., Bargmann, S.: Multiscale experimental and computational investigation of nature’s design principle of hierarchies in dental enamel. (2018)
Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics, 84, pp. 273-291.
• Georgopanos, P., Schneider, G.A., Dreyer, A., Handge, U.A., Filiz, V., Feld, A., Yilmaz, E.D., Krekeler, T., Ritter, M., Weller, H., Abetz, V.: Exceptionally strong, stiff and hard hybrid material based on an elastomer and isotropically shaped ceramic nanoparticles. (2017) Scientific Reports, 7 (1), art. no. 7314.
• Furlan, K.P., Pasquarelli, R.M., Krekeler, T., Ritter, M., Zierold, R., Nielsch, K., Schneider, G.A., Janssen, R.: Highly porous α-Al2O3 ceramics obtained by sintering atomic layer deposited inverse opals. (2017) Ceramics International, 43 (14), pp. 11260-11264.
• do Rosário, J.J., Berger, J.B., Lilleodden, E.T., McMeeking, R.M., Schneider, G.A.: The stiffness and strength of metamaterials based on the inverse opal architecture. (2017) Extreme Mechanics Letters, 12, pp. 86-96.
• Mgbemere, H.E., Jellito, H., Schneider, G.A.: Investigation of the fracture toughness and electrical properties of (K, Na, Li) (Nb, Ta, Sb)O<inf>3</inf> ceramics. (2016) Ceramics International, 42 (15), pp. 17711-17716.
• Behr, S., Köllner, A., Schneider, G.A.: Tailoring Toughness and Mechanical Reliability by Controlled Defects: Nature-Inspired Composite Laminates of Laser-Perforated Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia. (2016) Advanced Engineering Materials, 18 (11), pp. 1877-1883.
• Ogurreck, M., Do Rosario, J.J., Leib, E.W., Laipple, D., Greving, I., Marschall, F., Last, A., Schneider, G.A., Vossmeyer, T., Weller, H., Beckmann, F., Müller, M.: Determination of the packing fraction in photonic glass using synchrotron radiation nanotomography. (2016) Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 23 (6), pp. 1440-1446.
• Behr, S., Jungblut, L., Swain, M.V., Schneider, G.A.: Shear Strength and Interfacial Toughness Characterization of Sapphire-Epoxy Interfaces for Nacre-Inspired Composites. (2016) ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 8 (40), pp. 27322-27331.
• Yilmaz, E.D., Schneider, G.A.: Mechanical behavior of enamel rods under micro-compression. (2016) Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 63, pp. 183-194.
• Kubrin, R., Pasquarelli, R.M., Waleczek, M., Lee, H.S., Zierold, R., Do Rosário, J.J., Dyachenko, P.N., Montero Moreno, J.M., Petrov, A.Y., Janssen, R., Eich, M., Nielsch, K., Schneider, G.A.: Bottom-up Fabrication of Multilayer Stacks of 3D Photonic Crystals from Titanium Dioxide. (2016) ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 8 (16), pp. 10466-10476.
• do Rosário, J.J., Berger, J.B., Lilleodden, E.T., McMeeking, R.M., Schneider, G.A.: The stiffness and strength of metamaterials based on the inverse opal architecture. (2016) Extreme Mechanics Letters, . Article in Press.
• Mgbemere, H., Schneider, G., Hoelzel, M., Hinterstein, M.: Neutron diffraction study of (KxNa1-x)NbO3-based ceramics from low to high temperatures. (2016) Journal of Applied Crystallography, 49, pp. 891-901.
• Mgbemere, H.E., Janssen, R., Schneider, G.A.: Investigation of the phase space in lead-free (KxNa1-x)1-yLiy(Nb1-zTaz)O3 ferroelectric ceramics. (2015) Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 4 (4), pp. 282-291.
• Behr, S., Vainio, U., Müller, M., Schreyer, A., Schneider, G.A.: Large-scale parallel alignment of platelet-shaped particles through gravitational sedimentation. (2015) Scientific Reports, 5, art. no. 9984, .
• Pasquarelli, R.M., do Rosário, J.J., Rath, L., Schneider, G.A., Janssen, R.: High temperature behavior of monodisperse porosity in alumina films. (2015) Journal of the European Ceramic Society, . Article in Press.
• Mikijelj, B., Nawaz, Z., Kruzic, J.J., Idrobo, J., Swab, J.J., Özcoban, H., Jelitto, H., Schneider, G.A., Fett, T., Liu, Y.: Intergranular nanostructure effects on strength and toughness of Si3N4. (2015) Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 98 (5), pp. 1650-1657.
• Yilmaz, E.D., Jelitto, H., Schneider, G.A.: Uniaxial compressive behavior of micro-pillars of dental enamel characterized in multiple directions. (2015) Acta Biomaterialia, 16 (1), pp. 187-195.
• Scheider, I., Xiao, T., Yilmaz, E., Schneider, G.A., Huber, N., Bargmann, S.: Damage modeling of small-scale experiments on dental enamel with hierarchical microstructure. (2015) Acta
Biomaterialia, 15, pp. 244-253.
• Neusel, C., Jelitto, H., Schneider, G.A.: Electrical conduction mechanism in bulk ceramic insulators at high voltages until dielectric breakdown. (2015) Journal of Applied Physics, 117 (15), art. no. 154902, .
• Schneider, G.A., Swain, M.V.: The Schwickerath adhesion test: A fracture mechanics analysis. (2015) Dental Materials, 31 (8), pp. 986-991.
• Kubrin, R., Do Rosário, J.J., Schneider, G.A.: Transparent nanophosphor films with high quantum efficiency through cold compaction. (2015) RSC Advances, 5 (32), pp. 25555-25564.
• Yilmaz, E.D., Schneider, G.A., Swain, M.V.: Influence of structural hierarchy on the fracture behaviour of tooth enamel. (2015) Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A:
Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 373 (2038), art. no. 20140130,
• Neusel, C., Jelitto, H., Schmidt, D., Janssen, R., Felten, F., Schneider, G.A.: Thickness-dependence of the breakdown strength: Analysis of the dielectric and mechanical failure. (2015) Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 35 (1), pp. 113-123.
• Pasquarelli, R.M., Lee, H.S., Kubrin, R., Zierold, R., Petrov, A.Y., Nielsch, K., Schneider, G.A., Eich, M., Janssen, R.: Enhanced structural and phase stability of titania inverse opals. (2015) Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 35 (11), pp. 3103-3109.
• Livanov, K., Jelitto, H., Bar-On, B., Schulte, K., Schneider, G.A., Wagner, D.H.: Tough alumina/polymer layered composites with high ceramic content. (2015) Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 98 (4), pp. 1285-1291.
• Dyachenko, P.N., Do Rosário, J.J., Leib, E.W., Petrov, A.Y., Kubrin, R., Schneider, G.A., Weller, H., Vossmeyer, T., Eich, M.: Ceramic Photonic Glass for Broadband Omnidirectional Reflection. (2014) ACS Photonics, 1 (11), pp. 1127-1133.
• Yilmaz, E.D., Jelitto, H., Schneider, G.A.: Uniaxial compressive behavior of micro-pillars of dental enamel characterized in multiple directions. (2014) Acta Biomaterialia, . Article in Press.
• Neusel, C., Jelitto, H., Schmidt, D., Janssen, R., Felten, F., Schneider, G.A.: Thickness-dependence of the breakdown strength: Analysis of the dielectric and mechanical failure. (2014) Journal of the European Ceramic Society, . Article in Press.
• Do Rosário, J.J., Dyachenko, P.N., Kubrin, R., Pasquarelli, R.M., Petrov, A.Y., Eich, M., Schneider, G.A.: Facile deposition of YSZ-inverse photonic glass films. (2014) ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 6 (15), pp. 12335-12345.
• Lin, J.D., Lee, J., Özcoban, H., Schneider, G.A., Ho, S.P.: Biomechanical adaptation of the bone-periodontal ligament (PDL)-tooth fibrous joint as a consequence of disease. (2014) Journal of Biomechanics, 47 (9), pp. 2102-2114.
• Neusel, C., Schneider, G.A.: Size-dependence of the dielectric breakdown strength from nano- to millimeter scale. (2014) Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 63 (1), pp. 201-213.
• Schlenther, E., Özcoban, H., Jelitto, H., Faller, M., Schneider, G.A., Graule, T., Aneziris, C.G., Kuebler, J.: Fracture toughness and corrosion behaviour of infiltrated Al2O3 [P - Steel composites]. (2014) Materials Science and Engineering A, 590, pp. 132-139.
• Wolff, M.F.H., Salikov, V., Antonyuk, S., Heinrich, S., Schneider, G.A.: Novel, highly-filled ceramic-polymer composites synthesized by a spouted bed spray granulation process. (2014) Composites Science and Technology, 90, pp. 154-159.
• Yilmaz, E.D., Bechtle, S., Özcoban, H., Kieser, J.A., Swain, M.V., Schneider, G.A.: Micromechanical characterization of prismless enamel in the tuatara, Sphenodon punctatus. (2014) Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 39, pp. 210-217