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4th ZHM Summer School 2023

ZHM Summer School 2023

Participants of the ZHM Summer School 2023. Photo: TUHH/D. Gibhardt

After a corona-related break of three years, the ZHM Summer School is finally back! From June 5 to 9, 2023, the 4th ZHM Summer School took place at Gut Ankelohe in Bad Bederkesa with a total of 25 participants and five great coaches. The week that everyone was able to spend together on the estate was a complete success. On the first day, the focus was on the participants' own research and the associated challenges. The doctoral students supported each other and got to know each other through presentations and discussions on specific topics. The following four days were used for intensive workshops (Leadership, Scientific Writing, Time, Stress & Self Management, Project Management and Entrepreneurship in High Tech). Every break and much of the creative work was spent outdoors in perfect weather with temperatures of up to 27°C every day and bright sunshine. Of course, the focus was also on networking and group activities. In the afternoon/evening, the participants were able to play sports, swim, go for walks, play games, barbecue together and sit around the campfire in small or large groups.
The ZHM is already looking forward to the new edition in 2024 and wishes all those who took part continued success with the upcoming projects.